Hi, Steve:

We should talk about this further.  I designed gpii-webdriver more for
testing web interfaces from the outside.  I included a means of pulling out
QUnit test results from the browser, but I did so mainly as a convenience
for people who had a small number of unit tests and a large number of black
box tests to operate the UI and observe the results.  My suggestion in this
case would be to run the QUnit tests in a gpii-testem instance, and
gpii-webdriver UI tests separately.  For starters, at the moment
gpii-webdriver only supports Chrome, we should be testing with a range of
browsers where possible.

Just to summarise the range of approaches, at the moment you can collect:

   1. Coverage data from code reached in node tests using nyc.
   2. Coverage data from code reached in browser tests using gpii-testem.
   3. Coverage data from server-side code fixtures (REST endpoints, etc.)
   hit while running browser tests (although I have not had to do this yet, it
   should simply be a matter of running Testem using nyc).
   4. Coverage data regarding server side fixtures hit by gpii-webdriver
   tests (again, using nyc to run node tests).

What we can't currently collect is coverage data regarding client side
fixtures that are hit while exercising the UI using gpii-webdriver.  If
this is an important enough use case, I have ideas about how this might be
accomplished, and can write those up as feature request against



On 19 March 2018 at 23:23, Steven Githens <swgit...@mtu.edu> wrote:

> Hi Tony,
> Thanks for this write up!  I was able to get the coverage running fine for
> my node tests in the PTT, and it looks fairly straightforward for a page
> using qunit or something.
> I'm wondering about the use case where you are using gpii-webdriver to run
> tests.  In my case I'm using these to add tests to click around and test
> the UI, and the webdriver tests are also ran as a portion of the node
> tests.  If I want to profile the client side javascript that is being
> executed during the webdriver run, I'm guessing I'd need to do something
> like:
> 1. Add the step 5 js includes to my main application... maybe in a partial
> that is only included during testing or something.
> 2. Create some configuration of gpii.testem.coverage that still starts up
> the testem server, but skips running any actual tests.
> 3. The gpii webdriver tests would then start this gpii.testem.coverage
> configuration, and make sure it keeps running until the web-driver tests
> are done.
> And then the usual instrumentation and reporting tasks before and after
> those steps.
> Thanks!
> Steve
> On Mar 14, 2018, at 10:55 AM, Tony Atkins <t...@raisingthefloor.org>
> wrote:
> Sorry!  Forgot to include the list!
> T
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Tony Atkins <t...@raisingthefloor.org>
> Date: 14 March 2018 at 11:35
> Subject: Re: [Architecture] Another Glorious Merge
> To: Steven Githens <swgit...@mtu.edu>
> Hi, Steve.
> For the benefit of others, I'm going to interpret your question somewhat
> broadly and give some examples for a range of scenarios.
> If you only have node components, you just use nyc (possibly with an
> .nycrc configuration file), and let it handle instrumentation and
> reporting.  For anything that isn't a monorepo, it usually does "just work".
> If you only have browser components, you use the gpii.testem grade
> provided by the gpii-testem package, which handles both instrumentation and
> reporting.  If you haven't used gpii-testem but are familiar with Testem in
> general, you'd need to create a testem.js file to replace your previous
> testem.json <https://github.com/GPII/gpii-testem#usage-instructions>, and 
> include
> the coverage client in your client-side includes
> <https://github.com/GPII/gpii-testem/blob/master/docs/coverage.md>.  If
> you've used gpii-testem before, recent versions have small breaking
> changes, mostly around using a different syntax to represent the
> instrumentation config, and using different grades when you just want to
> collect coverage data but don't want to generate a report after the Testem
> run, as is the case when you want a "combined" coverage report across
> browsers and node.
> If you have both node and browser tests, it's a bit more involved.  In
> short, you clean up before running all tests, run each set of tests without
> generating individual reports, and then generate a report after.  My
> approach to date uses only npm scripts, and is covered in more detail in
> this guide:
> https://github.com/GPII/gpii-testem/blob/master/docs/advanced.md
> The recent work on universal gives one example of preparing a combined
> coverage report.  I would urge everyone not to start with that .nycrc
> config file, which bends over backwards to work with a monorepo that
> doesn't match nyc's lerna-ish assumptions
> <https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbuljs/issues/146>.   Most of our work
> in non-monorepos should be able to get away without an .nycrc config file,
> or with a much much simpler one like we use in infusion
> <https://github.com/fluid-project/infusion/blob/master/.nycrc>.
> Anyway, do please check out the gpii-testem docs, et cetera and hit me up
> if there are any problems or questions.  I am always happy to help.
> Cheers,
> Tony
> On 13 March 2018 at 18:56, Steven Githens <swgit...@mtu.edu> wrote:
>> That's awesome, thanks Tony and Antranig.
>> So, if I want to add test coverage to my XYZed GPII module I would just
>> include gpii-test and nyc in my dev dependences, add that .nycrc file,  and
>> then mimic these lines in my package.json, then my project will get full
>> test coverage?
>> https://github.com/GPII/universal/blob/master/package.json#L72-L80
>> Cheers to the Max,
>> Steve
>> On Mar 12, 2018, at 12:16 PM, Antranig Basman <
>> antranig.bas...@colorado.edu> wrote:
>> Dear All -
>>  This is to report another important milestone in improving our quality
>> infrastructure. This evening another significant branch has been merged,
>> itself representing more than 6 months work by Tony Atkins but building on
>> yet more work implementing similar capabilities for Infusion and captured
>> in other projects in our ecosystem, including gpii-testem. As a result of
>> this, we will now have complete code coverage information pooled between
>> our web-based and node-based unit tests and integration tests, which will
>> greatly improve the efficiency of future code review.
>> The code coverage reports can be browsed within the "reports" directory
>> created after a standard (successful) run of the "npm test" task. We should
>> be aiming to reach a baseline quality target of around 90% branch coverage,
>> which across most of our implementation we do already. Once we reach this
>> uniformly, we should consider how further engineering cycles should best be
>> spent.
>> Similar capabilities will now be rolled out across our other GPII
>> projects, and also we will probably try to enroll in some form of coverage
>> dashboard so that this can be checked in an automated way as part of our CI.
>> Could everyone who has outstanding pull requests against universal please
>> merge them up against current master, and if your work has contributed any
>> further implementation files you will need to explicitly list them against
>> the peculiar patterns found in the .nycrc file listed here (bug has been
>> filed in the upstream "istanbul" project which will hopefully make this
>> unnecessary one day):
>> https://github.com/GPII/universal/blob/master/.nycrc
>> This has been a long road with many awkward turnings due to mismatched
>> assumptions and inflexible implementations in the tower of projects that we
>> depend on, and let us all join in congratulating Tony on the endurance and
>> carefulness needed to land this highly valuable work improving our project
>> infrastructure.
>> Cheers,
>> Antranig.
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