Hi all,

I have started on working $subject(as in our internal roadmap #602). Final
outcome of this should be,

   - a simple statistic publishing with IS alone and
   - more complex statistic publishing with a BAM integration.

I have done a background research on current approaches of statistic
publishing and found following approaches,

   - Application level publish - Used in APIM, App Factory etc.
   - Log based publish - for ex.BAMLogEventAppender

Both of these needed application level data push for the data bridge. Hence
if a new angle of statistics is needed, it has to be change the source of
the product to pump new data. But in this case it can be used different
steam definitions and would have less analytical overhead in bam side.

We had chat within the IS team and apart from the above approaches, came
across the the idea of publishing data from more bottom level, i.e. using a
tomcat valve. Here we pump all the requests to BAM and BAM toolboxes
analytics had to have additional work on data extraction apart from
analysis. But on the positive side, this reduces the code level changes to
the product and more dependency on the toolbox. I'm working on a PoC of
this approach.

Any comments, suggestions are welcome.



Darshana Gunawardana
*Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com*
E-mail: darsh...@wso2.com
**Mobile: +94718566859
*Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
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