Meeting notes -

We got to know how AS receive the webapp artifacts. This happens by using a
central GIT repository. AppFactory checks in the webapp artifacts to that
repository, and the AS nodes updates themselves. AF won't be using the AS
UIs but the WebappAdmin service. WebappAdmin will be used to make a default
webapp of a versioned webapp.

Since AF directly checks-in the artifacts, AF have to take care of webapp
versioning. AF need to handle things like proper file naming (with #),
calling webapp admin service etc.

-When a given versioned webapp is set to default, what AS currently do is
to rename that webapp to the webapp group name. For ex, we rename
webapp#version1.war to webapp.war. But in this process we do not keep the
original context (webapp#version1) of the versioned webapp. This is not
  So, we decided to keep the original context of the versioned webapp as
well in addition to the default version.

-  The above is done by keeping two copies of the same webapp (the default
webapp *webapp.war*, and the versioned webapp webapp#version1.war). These
two webapps will be independent, so there will be separate sessions etc. As
we found out, this is not a problem for AppFactory scenario.

- If the firstly uploaded webapp in a webapp group has a version already,
then make that the default version.

Noticed some UI issues -

- If there is no default webapp, then the "Context" column in the webapp
list page displays the context WITH the version. ex. webapp#version1. This
should not be the case.

On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 2:49 PM, Google Calendar <> wrote:

>  more details 
> »<>
> Next steps to aPaaS Application version support and rest of the
> integration points from AS side
> *When*
> ********Wed Sep 18, 2013 3pm – 4pm Colombo
> *Where*
> LK 5th Floor Meeting Room - Garage 
> (map<>
> )
> *Calendar*
> *Who*
> •
> Supun Malinga - organizer
> •
> Kasun Gajasinghe
> •
> Sagara Gunathunga
> •
> Piyum Fernando
> •
> Geeth Munasinghe
> •
> Afkham Azeez
> •
> Sameera Perera
> •
> Amila Maha Arachchi
> •
> Shariq Muhammed
> •
> Johann Nallathamby
> Going?   
> ***Yes<>-
> Maybe<>-
> No<>
> *    **more options 
> »<>
> Invitation from Google Calendar <>
> You are receiving this email at the account because you
> are subscribed for reminders on calendar
> To stop receiving these notifications, please log in to
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> for this calendar.

*Kasun Gajasinghe*
Software Engineer;
WSO2 Inc.;

*email: **kasung AT spamfree

** cell: **+94 (77) 678-0813*
*linked-in: *

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twitter: *** <>

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