Hi Subash,

Looks good, but, can we change this to the following format, such that it
remains compatible with the naming standards.

1. application/vnd.wso2.application+json > name,version
2. application/vnd.wso2.application.mobile+json > mobileType
3. application/vnd.wso2.application.mobile.android+json > apkPath

This will still ensure that "application/vnd.wso2.application%+json" will
return all applications, and
"application/vnd.wso2.application.mobile%+json" will return all mobile
applications and vice versa. And, if we follow the pattern, we really need
not care whether it is three levels, four levels, or "n" levels deep.

Also, unless the payload will be JSON instead of XML, please keep "+xml"
instead of "+json".


On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 8:28 PM, Subash Chaturanga <sub...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> $subject will allows users to define a parent artifact catalog through the
> rxt configuration. This will basically force artifacts to inherit
> pre-defined set of upstream parent attributes.
> For example, suppose I have 3 RXTs, application, mobile application and
> android application. Following is the media types and it's native attributes
> 1. application/vnd.wso2.application+json > name,version
> 2. application/vnd.wso2.application/vnd.wso2.application.mobile +json >
> mobileType
> 3.
> application/vnd.wso2.application/vnd.wso2.application.mobile/vnd.wso2.application.mobile.android
> +json > apkPath
> ( @Senaka/Dimuthu, we need to finalze the way we define media types.
> Please give your feedback on above model for media types for inherited
> rxts.)
> Artifact denotes from media type #3 should have all 4 attributes;
> name,version,mobileType,apkPath. For #2 it should be 3.  From governance
> API level and from UI, users will force to inherit all parent attributes.
> And if a certain attribute is Required for a parent, it will be applied for
> the child nodes as well. Also, since the media types can get lengthy and
> not kind of human readable, we are planning to stick to the short name
> mapping for media types which we already have on governance API level.
> And you can search All types of "applications" through the "application"
> governance artifact manager, while "android" governance artifact manager
> will return only android artifacts.
> --
> Thanks
> /subash
> *Subash Chaturanga*
> Senior Software Engineer & Lead WSO2 Governance Registry
> Platform TG; WSO2 Inc. http://wso2.com
> Contact:
> email: sub...@wso2.com
> blog:  http://subashsdm.blogspot.com/
> twitter: @subash89
> phone: +9477 2225922
> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware


*[image: http://wso2.com] <http://wso2.com> Senaka Fernando*
Software Architect; WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com

* Member; Apache Software Foundation; http://apache.org
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754 7388; ext: 51736*;

*M: +44 782 741 1966 Linked-In: http://linkedin.com/in/senakafernando
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