Hi Dilshan,

Currently the device table in mobile database has following fields.

   - REG_ID
   - IMEI
   - IMSI

When considering iOS platform I think that we can map all other iOS fields
to above fields except for the magic-token & unlock-token. We can map the
push-token to REG_ID field & IMO I think that we can change the column name
to "*PUSH_TOKEN*"  since it is more generic term than "*REG_ID*" . For
other two tokens we can use a separate field (if we are storing 2 tokens as
a json string if those records are not frequently accessed) or 2 separate
columns.  In android-platform we have used WIFI Mac address as the
In your case I guess we'll need a separate column for storing mac address

Since all other device information (device-capacity, bluetooth mac etc)
will be available for all mobile platforms we'll need a generic way to
handle these. I suggest to have a separate field in our device-table like "
*OTHER_INFO*" and store all of these other as a json string as those
information will be accessed as a whole.

@Asok : Could you please share the list of fields available in Windows


Lakshitha Harshan
Software Engineer
Mobile: *+94724423048*
Email: hars...@wso2.com
Blog : http://harshanliyanage.blogspot.com/
*WSO2, Inc. :** wso2.com <http://wso2.com/>*

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 11:42 AM, Dilshan Edirisuriya <dils...@wso2.com>

> Hi,
> Following are the additional fields found in iOS MDM other than the once
> we find in Android. Since our table structure is little bit tight to
> Android platform it is necessary to identify the extension points to store
> these fields as well along with Windows fields.
> 1) Challenge - since iOS get above information in 2 steps it has a
> challenge password embedded in the iOS payload. This is to verify the
> identify of the device together with its UDID.
> 2) Product - for this I will be sending this as either iPhone, iPad or
> iPod by looking at sub-strings.
> 3) Serial - serial number of the device.
> 4) Version - iOS device type.
> 5) IMEI - IMEI number. Incase there is no IMEI number it will return empty
> (ie iPad without the sim).
> 6) Model - model number of the device.
> 7) UDID - mapping to device identifier.
> 8) Token, Magic token and unlock token for normal push and MDM push
> notifications.
> After the enrollment using device information command we can fetch the
> device information such as AvailableDeviceCapacity, BluetoothMAC,
> BuildVersion, CarrierSettingsVersion, CurrentCarrierNetwork, CurrentMCC,
> CurrentMNC, DataRoamingEnabled, DeviceCapacity, DeviceName, ICCID, IMEI,
> IsRoaming, Model, ModelName, ModemFirmwareVersion, OSVersion, PhoneNumber,
> Product, ProductName, SIMCarrierNetwork, SIMMCC, SIMMNC, SerialNumber, UDID
> and WiFiMAC.
> Please note that these fields could vary based on the OS version of the
> device.
> We need to make these fields generic which will be helpful for the MDM to
> fetch data accurately in generic manner as well as store them generically
> so that any platform can fit into the existing architecture.
> Regards,
> Dilshan
> --
> Dilshan Edirisuriya
> Senior Software Engineer - WSO2
> Mob: + 94 777878905
> http://wso2.com/
> https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=50486426
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