
We are now trying to refactor the puppet modules in [1] according to the
best practices DevOps, Automation and Private PaaS teams found over the
recent past on designing puppet modules. These include following:

   - Using Hiera for keeping site-specific data out of the manifests [2]
   - Use a base puppet module/class to implement common installation and
   configuration steps
   - Use one puppet module to install different versions of a product,
   product version to be given using a parameter (example: puppet module =
   wso2esb, product version = 4.9.0)
   - Eventually include multiple sets of templates for different versions
   of the product inside a single puppet module
   - Provide a version for the puppet module (example: puppet module =
   wso2esb, puppet module version = 1.0.0, product version = 4.9.0)
   - Implement unit tests for puppet modules [3]
   - Finally publish puppet modules in Puppet Forge
   - Afterwards users can either use puppet install or wget for installing
   puppet modules in their environments

These puppet modules will be designed to support different deployment

   - Deploying WSO2 products on VMs using a Puppet Master
   - Building Docker images with Puppet Apply [4] for Kubernetes
   - Deploying WSO2 products on WSO2 Private PaaS
      - On VMs using a Puppet Master with runtime configurations
      - On Kubernetes using Puppet Apply with runtime configurations

Please feel free to add your thoughts.

[1] https://github.com/wso2/puppet-modules/
[2] https://docs.puppetlabs.com/hiera/latest/
[3] https://puppetlabs.com/blog/the-next-generation-of-puppet-module-testing
[4] https://puppetlabs.com/blog/docker-and-puppet-for-application-management


*Imesh Gunaratne*
Senior Technical Lead
WSO2 Inc: http://wso2.com
T: +94 11 214 5345 M: +94 77 374 2057
W: http://imesh.gunaratne.org
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