[Moving to Architecture]

On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 1:20 PM, Isuru Haththotuwa <isu...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Devs,
> We can do $subject in the Kubernetes Artifacts. Its possible to define the
> DB url with the relevant Kubernetes service name, hence there is no need to
> know the exact IP of the database pod.

The main advantage of this model is that, we can completely automate WSO2
deployments on K8S without making the user to provide any configurations.
User may only need to do the following:

- Build Docker images either using Puppet provisioning or any other.
- Import Docker images to a central Docker registry or to the K8S nodes
- Start MySQL server Pods and Services
- Deploy WSO2 product(s)
- The deployment architecture may look as follows:


> Currently in mysql docker image [1], its only possible to create one DB
> per container. Therefore to support the usual deployment clustered wso2
> products, we would need at least 3 pods:
>    1. gov_db - shared across all products as necessary
>    2. user_db - shared across all products as necessary
>    3. product_db - used for config db (shared with all members of the
>    same cluster) and any other product specific db tables
>  +1 for the approach Isuru! This may even comply with the Microdata
architecture [1].



> This will allow the users to deploy the wso2 products using defined real
> distributed deployment patterns in a kubernetes environment with minimal
> effort, without doing any configuration changes.
> Note that the purpose of this effort is to make it easier to try out WSO2
> products in a K8s environment, and to try out K8s features like
> autoscaling, etc. without the hassle of configuring databases, etc. WDYT?
> [1]. https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql/
> --
> Thanks and Regards,
> Isuru H.
> +94 716 358 048* <http://wso2.com/>*

*Imesh Gunaratne*
Senior Technical Lead
WSO2 Inc: http://wso2.com
T: +94 11 214 5345 M: +94 77 374 2057
W: http://imesh.io TW: @imesh
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