Hi All,

I have planned to develop $subject as described below. The Google Sheets
API lets you read and modify any aspect of a spreadsheet. An existing
connector was developed to support Google Sheets API version 3 [1], now
version 4 [2] is available with new changes such as the version 4 is
JSON-based, has an easier-to-use interface, and adds a substantial amount
of functionality that is not possible in the version 3.

I have selected following Methods for the implementation,
Working with Spreadsheet


   Creating spreadsheet

   list spreadsheets (version 4 does not provide this operation. However,
   it can be replicated via the Drive API Files.list
   <https://developers.google.com/drive/v3/reference/files/list> method)

*Working with Sheets*


   Retrieve sheet metadata :- which includes information such as sheet
   titles and size information.

   Add a sheet/ multiple sheets to a spreadsheet

   updateSheetProperties using batch request :– Version 4 can be used
to update other sheet properties in addition to the title and size.


   Delete a sheet / multiple sheets using batch request.

   copyTo :- Copies a single sheet from a spreadsheet to another

   updateCells using batch request :- removes all values from a sheet
or clears the sheet of all formatting


   appendDimension using batch request :- appends empty rows and
columns to the end of the sheet.


   updateBorders using batch request :- Edit cell borders


   repeatCell using batch request :- formats a header row in a sheet,
Set a custom date time or decimal format for a range


   mergeCells using batch request :- Merge cells


   setDataValidation using batch request :- request applies a data
validation rule


   copyPaste using batch request :- request copies the formatting in
one range and pastes it to another range on the same sheet


   cutPaste using batch request :- request cuts the one range and
pastes its data, formats, formulas, and merges to the another range on
the same sheet


   repeatCell using batch request :- Repeating a formula over a range


   updateConditionalFormatRule using batch request :- Update a
conditional formatting rule


   addConditionalFormatRule using batch request :- Add a conditional
color gradient across a row, Add a conditional formatting rule to a
set of ranges, Add date and text conditional formatting rules to a
range and establishes a new conditional formatting rule to a the range


   deleteConditionalFormatRule  using batch request - Delete a
conditional formatting rule

*Working with Row/Column based feeds*


   Retrieve row/ rows of data :– version 4 does not use access methods that
   are row-specific. Instead, sheet cell data is accessed by referencing the
   specific ranges required using A1 notation

   Add a new row/rows of data

   Updating a list row

   removing rows and can also be used to remove columns, and remove part of
   a row or column

   updateDimensionProperties using batch request :- Adjust column
width or row height


   autoResizeDimensions using batch request :– Request turns on
automatic resizing of columns


   insertDimension using batch request :- Insert an empty row or column


   moveDimension using batch request :- Move a row or column


   sortRange using batch request :- Sort a range with multiple sorting

*Working with Cell-based feeds*


   Retrieve cell data or multiple ranges of cell data :– version 3 can only
   return cell contents as input values (as would be entered by a user at a
   keyboard) and/or the outputs of formula (if numeric). But version 4 grants
   full access to values, formulas, formatting, hyperlinks, data validation,
   and other properties.

   Edit content of a cell

   Edit content of multiple cell using batch request

I have attached [3] my milestone plan for the Google Spreadsheet Connector.

[1] https://developers.google.com/google-apps/spreadsheets/?hl=en[2]



Associate Software Engineer
Email : birun...@wso2.com
Linkedin : https://lk.linkedin.com/in/biruntha
Mobile : +94773718986
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