Hi Ruwan,

We have included the notification providers like GCM, MQTT, FireBase inside
the core (in device-mgt-extensions component) in the existing
implementation of device-mgt. I do agree with your comment that says those
are only extensions to the core framework. Have we thought of moving them
out from core as a plugin-extension?


Harshan Liyanage
Mobile: *+94765672894*
Email: hars...@wso2.com
Blog : http://harshanliyanage.blogspot.com/
*WSO2, Inc. :** wso2.com <http://wso2.com/>*

On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 9:26 AM, Ruwan Yatawara <ruw...@wso2.com> wrote:

> @Dilan,
> The idea here is that things like the transports adapters and the
> appm-connector are modular plugins that are just complementing the CDMF
> which is s framework. The framework does not necessarily need these to
> function and perform its core tasks. Hence these should evolve/get added
> independently from the framework. Furthermore given that, once the core
> matures, releases of these extensions will be more frequent than changes to
> the core, hence all the more need for this to be managed separately. We may
> later even need to make a separate repository out of these extensions, as
> one can also argue that such extensions do not belong in the device-type
> repo.
> @Chathura,
> As of this moment, we do not promote dynamic deployment of device types.
> But yes, you are right we will have to think about this at some point down
> the line when we support same.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Ruwan Yatawara
> Associate Technical Lead,
> WSO2 Inc.
> email : ruw...@wso2.com
> mobile : +94 77 9110413
> blog : http://ruwansrants.blogspot.com/
>           https://500px.com/ruwan_ace
> www: :http://wso2.com
> On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 5:47 AM, Chathura Dilan <chathu...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Ruwan,
>> How about having a UI for the plugin deployment? So plugins can be
>> installed and uninstalled via the UI like how we install/uninstall features
>> in the carbon console.
>> On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 9:59 PM, Dilan Udara Ariyaratne <dil...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Ruwan,
>>> Why would not analytics be inside a particular device type ?, this is in
>>> fact the idea provided in [1].
>>> And also, if these Input/Output transport adapters and extensions for
>>> MB/APP-M are in common to any device type,
>>> cannot we move them down to carbon-device-mgt platform layer ?
>>> References :
>>> [1] [Architecture] [IoT] Simplifying IoT device type plugin with a
>>> descriptor
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dilan.
>>> *Dilan U. Ariyaratne*
>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>> WSO2 Inc. <http://wso2.com/>
>>> Mobile: +94766405580 <%2B94766405580>
>>> lean . enterprise . middleware
>>> On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 11:58 AM, Ruwan Yatawara <ruw...@wso2.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> In line with the changes that have been done to introduce the
>>>> device-type descriptor in [1], I have gone ahead and done some refactoring
>>>> to the existing plugins to standardise + make them self-contained.
>>>> Following are a list of changes introduced.
>>>>    - Mobile Base plugin is no more :
>>>>       - Earlier windows/ios/android plugins relied on a shared
>>>>       component called the base plugin to include common functionality. 
>>>> This
>>>>       consisted of an OSGi component + a jaggery application. This made 
>>>> the 3
>>>>       plugins interdependent. With the new structure, all 3 plugins would 
>>>> be
>>>>       self-contained and they would pack all the necessary backend 
>>>> functionality
>>>>       within themselves. The shared jaggery application has been broken 
>>>> down to 3
>>>>       parts android-web-agent, windows-web-agent and ios-web-agent. Each
>>>>       application would get deployed and undeployed with the corresponding 
>>>> device
>>>>       type.
>>>>    - Each device type would be injecting the necessary UI units to a
>>>>    page/template unit contained inside of a the cdmf framework.
>>>>    - Each device type would be declaring its features/sensors and
>>>>    relevant tables as per [1]
>>>>    - Samples renamed to plugins and samples-deployer.xml renamed to
>>>>    plugins-deployer.xml
>>>>    - Input/Output transport adapters and extensions for MB/APPM moved
>>>>    to a separate section called extensions inside the plugins repo.
>>>>    - Analytics scripts moved to analytics section of the plugins repo
>>>>    - All the device types have now been moved to the device-types
>>>>    folder, as the EMM release is still on going, to make merging of ongoing
>>>>    development work easier we have left the mobile plugins as it is. In the
>>>>    future, once the EMM release concludes we will be moving the same inside
>>>>    the device-types folder.
>>>> In summary, as per the changes, the carbon-device-mgt-plugins repo
>>>> structure is as follows. (We may have to break this up in to three
>>>> different repos, in the future if need be)
>>>> carbon-device-mgt-plugins
>>>> |---- analytics
>>>> |---- extensions
>>>> |---- device-types
>>>> Note that when trying out the IoT distribution, in order to install
>>>> device type plugins, from the server home, run the following command.
>>>> *mvn clean install -f plugins/plugins-deployer.xml  *
>>>> You may change the plugin-deployer.xml to include/exclude the plugins
>>>> as required.
>>>> [1] - [Architecture] [IoT] Simplifying IoT device type plugin with a
>>>> descriptor
>>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>>> Ruwan Yatawara
>>>> Associate Technical Lead,
>>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>>> email : ruw...@wso2.com
>>>> mobile : +94 77 9110413
>>>> blog : http://ruwansrants.blogspot.com/
>>>>           https://500px.com/ruwan_ace
>>>> www: :http://wso2.com
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>> Regards,
>> Chatura Dilan Perera
>> *Associate Tech Lead** - WSO2 Inc.*
>> www.dilan.me
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