Hi All,

As part of the new APIM C5 release we are start to design analytics
Streams. Here is the list of streams we decided to publish from APIM
components. Even though here we listed separate event streams we hope to
merge all the event streams except *org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.workflow* to
one event and publish. By merging these event stream we will be able to
avoid duplicate attributes and increase the performance at the event

So please go though these stream schema and share your ideas.

*Stream name          :org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.request*

*version              :2.0.0*

api                 :STRING

context              :STRING

version              :STRING

publisher            :STRING

subscription_policy :STRING

resource_path        :STRING

uri_template         :STRING

consumer_key         :STRING

application_name    :STRING

application_id       :STRING

application_owner   :STRING

user_id              :STRING

subscriber           :STRING

request_count        :INT

request_time         :LONG

gateway_domain     :STRING

gateway_ip           :STRING

is_throttled         :BOOL

throttled_reason     :STRING

throttled_policy     :STRING

client_ip            :STRING

user_agent           :STRING

host_name            :STRING
method               :STRING

*name                 : org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.response*

*version              : 2.0.0*

consumer_key         : STRING

context              : STRING

api                  : STRING

resource_path        : STRING

uri_template         : STRING

method               : STRING

version              : STRING

response_count       : INT

username             : STRING

event_time           : LONG

host_name            : STRING

publisher            : STRING

application_name    : STRING

application_id       : STRING

application_owner    : STRING

user_id             : STRING

subscriber          : STRING

cache_hit           : BOOL

response_size        : LONG

protocol             : STRING

response_code        : INT

destination          : STRING

gateway_domain       : STRING

gateway_ip           : STRING

response_time        : LONG

service_time         : LONG

backend_time         : LONG

backend_latency      : LONG

security_latency     : LONG

throttling_latency   : LONG

request_mediation_latency    : LONG

respons_mediation_latency    : LONG
other_latency        : LONG

*name               : org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.fault*

*version            : 2.0.0*

consumer_key         : STRING

context             : STRING

api                  : STRING

resource_path        : STRING

method               : STRING

version              : STRING

error_code           : STRING

error_message        : STRING

request_time         : LONG

application_owner   : STRING

user_id              : STRING

subscriber           : STRING

host_name            : STRING

publisher            : STRING

application_name    : STRING

application_id       : STRING

protocol             : STRING

gateway_domain     : STRING

gateway_ip           : STRING

*name                : org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.throttle*

*version             : 2.0.0*

api                  : STRING

context              : STRING

publisher            : STRING

throttled_time       : LONG

application_name    : STRING

application_id       : STRING

application_owner   : STRING

user_id              : STRING

subscriber           : STRING

throttled_reason     : STRING

throttled_policy     : STRING

gateway_domain     : STRING

gateway_ip           : STRING

*name                : org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.workflow*

*version             : 2.0.0*

workflow_reference : STRING

workflow_status      : STRING

workflow             : STRING

created_time         : LONG

updated_time         : LONG

node_domain          : STRING
node_ip              : STRING

Thanks and Regards
Rukshan Chathuranga.
Software Engineer.
WSO2, Inc.
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