
On Fri, Jan 6, 2017 at 3:23 PM, SajithAR Ariyarathna <sajit...@wso2.com>

> Hi All,
> We are hoping to do $subject.
> *UUF Component:*
> Currently a UUF component has two configuration files, 'component.yaml'
> and 'config.yaml'. 'component.yaml' contains APIs entries and bindings (see
> mail thread [1] for more details); 'config.yaml' contains business-logic
> related configurations e.g. page size, display name (see sample [2]). What
> we are hoping to do is to combine these two files into a one,
> 'component.yaml' file in order to improve the developer experience. So the
> new 'component.yaml' file will look like following.
> # Classes of Microservices that implements UI specific REST APIs.
> # example entry:
> #   - className: "org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.pets-store.PetsStoreMicroservice"
> #     uri: "/pets/"
> apis:
>   - className: "org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.api.HelloService"
>     uri: "/hello-service/"
> # Binding fragments into zones.
> # Modes:
> #   prepend - pushes the specified fragments into the beginning of the 
> existing pushed fragments of the zone
> #   append - pushes the specified fragments into the end of the existing 
> pushed fragments of the zone
> #   overwrite - removes the existing pushed fragments of the zone and replace 
> with specified fragments
> # Please note that the configured order of the fragments in here, will be 
> honored when filling the zone
> bindings:
>   - zoneName: "org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.foundation.footer"
>     mode: "append"
>     fragments:
>       - "org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.foundation.footer"
>   - zoneName: "org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.foundation.menubar"
>     mode: "append"
>     fragments:
>       - "org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.foundation.secured-menubar"
>   - zoneName: "org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.foundation.usermenu"
>     mode: "append"
>     fragments:
>       - "org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.simple-auth.usermenu"
> *# Business logic related configurations.# In Handlebars templates, these 
> configurations can be access using {{@config}} variable.# e.g.  
> {{@config.appName}} will output "Pets Store"# In server-side JS 
> 'onRequest(env)' function, these configurations cab access via 'env.config' 
> variable.# e.g.  env.config['appName'] will give "Pets Store" valueconfig:  # 
> No of items should be displayed in a page.  pageSize: 10  # User will be 
> redirected to following URI after logging-out successfully.  
> loginRedirectUri: "/pets"*
> *UUF App:*
> Currently an UUF app has two configuration files, 'component.yaml' and
> 'config.yaml'. 'component.yaml' is similar to the one we have in a
> component and it contains APIs entries and bindings. In the 'config.yaml',
> it has some business-logic related configurations as well as some other
> configurations that affects to the whole app and consumes by the UUF Core
> e.g. theme name, error page URLs (see sample [3]). What we want to do is to
> separate those app related configurations from business-logic related
> configurations.
> Introducing 'app.yaml' helps achieve this goal. It contains app related
> configurations only. Sample 'app.yaml' will look like following.
> # Default theme for this app.
> theme : "org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.theme.default"
> # Menus in this app.
> menus :
>   - name: "main"
>     items:
>       - text: "Home"
>         link: "#"
>         icon: "fw-home"
>       - text: "Pets"
>         link: ""
>         submenus:
>           - text: "See all our amazing pets"
>             link: "/pets"
>           - text: "Add a new pets"
>             link: "/pets/new"
>             icon: "fw fw-add"
>           - text: "Pet of the month"
>             link: "/pets/snowball"
>           - text: "Order new pets"
>             link: "/pets/order"
> # Error pages for this app.
> errorPages:
>   404: "/foundation/error/404"
>   default: "/foundation/error/default"
> # URI of the login page in this app.
> loginPageUri: "/simple-auth/login"
> # Security related configurations for this app.
> security:
>   csrfPatterns:
>     accept: []
>     reject: []
>   xssPatterns:
>     accept: []
>     reject: []
>   responseHeaders: null
> An app can have a 'component.yaml' as well (since app is the root
> component). In that 'component.yaml' webapp developer can define APIs,
> bindings, and business-logic related configurations for the app. Sample
> 'component.yaml' of a component will look like following.
> # Classes of Microservices that implements UI specific REST APIs.
> # example entry:
> #   - className: "org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.pets-store.PetsStoreMicroservice"
> #     uri: "/pets/"
> apis:
>   - className: "org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.api.HelloService"
>     uri: "/hello-service/"
> # Binding fragments into zones.
> # Modes:
> #   prepend - pushes the specified fragments into the beginning of the 
> existing pushed fragments of the zone
> #   append - pushes the specified fragments into the end of the existing 
> pushed fragments of the zone
> #   overwrite - removes the existing pushed fragments of the zone and replace 
> with specified fragments
> # Please note that the configured order of the fragments in here, will be 
> honored when filling the zone
> bindings:
>   - zoneName: "org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.foundation.footer"
>     mode: "append"
>     fragments:
>       - "org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.foundation.footer"
>   - zoneName: "org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.foundation.menubar"
>     mode: "append"
>     fragments:
>       - "org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.foundation.secured-menubar"
>   - zoneName: "org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.foundation.usermenu"
>     mode: "append"
>     fragments:
>       - "org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.simple-auth.usermenu"
> *# Business logic related configurations.# In Handlebars templates, these 
> configurations can be access using {{@config}} variable.# e.g.  
> {{@config.appName}} will output "Pets Store"# In server-side JS 
> 'onRequest(env)' function, these configurations cab access via 'env.config' 
> variable.# e.g.  env.config['appName'] will give "Pets Store" valueconfig:  
> appName: "Pet Store"  # Overrrding 'pageSize' configuration from a dependency 
> component.  pageSize: 10  # Overriding 'loginRedirectUri' configuration from 
> 'simple-auth' component.  loginRedirectUri: "/pets"*
> So in summery, a component has a 'component.yaml' and an app has an
> 'app.yaml' and a 'component.yaml'. WDYT?
> [1] [UUF] Changing 'bindings.yaml' to 'component.yaml' in an UUF Component
> [2] https://github.com/wso2/carbon-uuf/blob/v1.0.0-m8/
> samples/components/org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.foundation/
> src/main/config.yaml
> [3] https://github.com/wso2/carbon-uuf/blob/v1.0.0-m8/
> samples/apps/org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.pets-store/src/main/config.yaml
> Thanks.
> --
> Sajith Janaprasad Ariyarathna
> Software Engineer; WSO2, Inc.;  http://wso2.com/
> <https://wso2.com/signature>

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