On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 3:50 PM, KasunG Gajasinghe <kas...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Asma,
> Can you explain why we need to do this from a user perspective?  What are
> the advantages/disavantages?
> Log4j does not support the Log4j properties file format. So, this change
> is not backward-compatible.
> On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 2:53 PM, Asma Jabir <as...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> The logging framework for C4 will be implemented using pax-logging as
>> illustrated in the simple diagram below.
>> [image: Inline image 3]
>> As shown above:
>>    - org.wso2.carbon.logging will act as the Logging API
>>    - *org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-log4j2.jar* will bridge the logs
>>    to log4J2
>>    - The custom appenders will be residing in a fragment of
>>    *org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-log4j2*
>> Also,
>>    - pax-logging.properties file will be added which points to the
>>    log4j2.properties file for configurations
>>    - org.wso2.carbon.logging.propfile_1.0.0.jar will be removed as it is
>>    no longer necessary to provide the configuration in the classpath of the
>>    org.wso2.carbon.logging
>> Moreover, there is a log4j.properties file in org.wso2.carbon.server
>> which is used for writing the logs before OSGi is started. Also there is
>> logging-bridge.properties file which is the configuration file used for JUL
>> (java-util-logging). Therefore, similar to C5, the following changes will
>> be done in this module to reduce configuration files.
>>    - Currently org.wso2.carbon.server uses JCL (commons-logging) and
>>    this will be changed to JUL
>>    - *This eliminates the need for a separate log4j configuration file
>>    for org.wso2.carbon.server.* Thus log4j.properties residing
>>    inside org.wso2.carbon.server will be removed
>>    - This resolves [1]
>>    - All the configurations related to org.wso2.carbon.server will be
>>    written in
>>    * $CARBON_HOME/repository/conf/etc/logging-bridge.properties*
>> We are looking forward to move forward with this method and appreciate
>> your comments/suggestions on this.
>> Regards,
>> Asma
>> On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 11:38 AM, Asma Jabir <as...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> We already have a central logging module in the kernel which is
>>> org.wso2.carbon.logging [1] and that acts similar to the a Logging API. So
>>> we can can continue to use it and all the logging specific dependencies and
>>> imports will be residing here. But the custom appenders are located in
>>> org.wso2.carbon.utils [2] since it is the first to get resolved and
>>> therefore, this would have changes when re-writing the appenders. Overall,
>>> the changes will be only inside the kernel and application will not need
>>> any changes.
>>> Moreover, after further experimenting for approach 1 and 2 which were
>>> implementable, the following were understood.
>>>    - When using plain log4j 2, it cannot be used with with the default
>>>    functionality
>>>       - The bridge from jcl-log4j is implemented using a ServiceLoader
>>>       which needs special handling in OSGi environment [3].
>>>       - Also this needs additional OSGi fragments as stated in point 2
>>>       in the first mail
>>>       - The configuration file(log4j.properties) is currently packed to
>>>       carbon logging using a fragmented bundle (
>>>       org.wso2.carbon.logging.propfile_1.0.0.jar) - same method can be
>>>       follwed for log4j2 or the file can be given through a system property 
>>> which
>>>       makes org.wso2.carbon.logging.propfile_1.0.0.jar unnecessary
>>>    - Also, external .jar files are not able to find the logging
>>>    implementation which we are still investigating as to why this happens
>>> The above had been happening since the log4j2 implementation was not
>>> found in OSGi environment and it was not related to external jars.
>>> Therefore, by providing the configuration files *log4j-provider.properties
>>> *and *log4j2.properties,* in carbon-logging the issue was fixed.
>>>    - Pax-logging overcomes the above issues and therefore, the default
>>>    pax-logging api can be used
>>>       - This provides log4j2 bridge internally which will map any type
>>>       of logging to log4j2
>>>       - By replacing the log4j1 libraries with pax-logging and
>>>       re-writing the appenders, this can be gotten to work
>>>       - The properties file will be pax-logging.properties/log4j2.
>>>       properties
>>>       - The configuration file will be set as a system property - The
>>>       org.wso2.carbon.logging.propfile_1.0.0.jar will not be needed
>>>       therein
>>> [1] https://github.com/wso2/carbon-kernel/tree/4.5.x/core/or
>>> g.wso2.carbon.logging
>>> [2] https://github.com/wso2/carbon-kernel/tree/4.5.x/core/or
>>> g.wso2.carbon.utils/src/main/java/org/wso2/carbon/utils/logg
>>> ing/appenders
>>> [3] http://blog.osgi.org/2013/02/javautilserviceloader-in-osgi.html
>>> <http://blog.osgi.org/2013/02/javautilserviceloader-in-osgi.html>
>>> <http://blog.osgi.org/2013/02/javautilserviceloader-in-osgi.html>
>>> Regards,
>>> Asma
>>> On Sat, Jul 15, 2017 at 11:57 PM, Ruwan Abeykoon <ruw...@wso2.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Irunika,
>>>> In C4, applications use commons logging. We never wanted to use Log4J
>>>> directly. Hence the architecture you proposed is already there in C4.
>>>> In C5 we use slf4j, in place of commons logging, which architecturally
>>>> the same.
>>>> Hence I do not see any value in introducing another WSO2 specific
>>>> logging framework/wrapper/etc.
>>>> For the original ${subject}, would not it work simply using log4j2
>>>> library, removing all log4j 1 library with change in log4j.property file
>>>> appropriately?
>>>> Yes, it needs to have a change in Carbon**Appenders to use log4j2 API,
>>>> but this is only at Carbon-Logging module. I guess we can have new version
>>>> with log4j2.
>>>> In short, IMO, there will be no change in applications, but may be
>>>> little change in kernel implementation(which is transparent to apps) in
>>>> log4j2 migration.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ruwan
>>>> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 3:37 PM, Irunika Weeraratne <irun...@wso2.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Asma,
>>>>>> The following approaches were found and evaluated to identify the
>>>>>> most suitable one.
>>>>>>    1. Using pax-logging
>>>>>>    - The pax-logging api and the pax-logging-log4j bridge will have
>>>>>>       to be used.
>>>>>>       - Supposedly, pax-logging will feed the front-end logging into
>>>>>>       its log4j back-end using its built-in adapter which we are
>>>>>>       trying to achieve at the moment
>>>>>>    2. Using Log4J 2.x
>>>>>>       - This will need the log4j2-core, log4j2-api and the bridges
>>>>>>       to map the front-end logging api to Log4J 2.x back-end
>>>>>>       - Also this needs two OSGi fragments to customize the
>>>>>>       log4j-core and log4j-api work in OSGi
>>>>>>       - This requires the log4j2.properties file to be in the
>>>>>>       fragment used with log4j-core and therefore, the file cannot be 
>>>>>> edited later
>>>>>>       - Also, external .jar files are not able to find the logging
>>>>>>       implementation which we are still investigating as to why this 
>>>>>> happens
>>>>>>    3. Using both Log4j 1.x and 2.x
>>>>>>       - While C4 will use the latter as the back-end, the external
>>>>>>       jars needing v1 will use the former
>>>>>>       - This could lead to threading issues since appenders from two
>>>>>>       log4J versions will write to a single file simultaneously
>>>>>>    4. Using the Log4J 1.x bridge [4]
>>>>>>       - The Log4J 1.x jar is replaced with the 1.x bridge api and
>>>>>>       the required log4j2 files. This will redirect all the logs from 
>>>>>> Log4j 1.x
>>>>>>       to 2.x
>>>>>>       - This only works if there are no custom appenders
>>>>>> IMHO all these approaches also have a common issue. When we try to
>>>>> use any of those APIs we have to have to change our code base again and
>>>>> again according to the API we are using.
>>>>> IMO what we should do is write our own API for Logging and in the
>>>>> implementation, we can use any of those as the backend. So only the
>>>>> implementation will be changed while our code base remains same.
>>>>> Please find the diagram below.
>>>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>>>> WDYT?
>>>>> Thanks and best regards,
>>>>> Irunika
>>>>> *Irunika Weeraratne*
>>>>> *Software Engineer | WSO2, Inc. <http://wso2.com/>*
>>>>> *Email : irun...@wso2.com <irun...@wso2.com>*
>>>>> *LinkedIn : https://lk.linkedin.com/in/irunika
>>>>> <https://lk.linkedin.com/in/irunika>*
>>>>> *Mobile : +94712403314 <+94%2071%20240%203314>*
>>>>> *Lean . Enterprise . Middleware*
>>>>> On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 7:53 PM, Asma Jabir <as...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> We have been looking into $subject and these are the findings we have
>>>>>> arrived at so far.
>>>>>> Carbon 4.x.x currently uses Log4J 1.x as the logging back-end and
>>>>>> following will have to be done when migrating to Log4J 2.x.
>>>>>>    1. Rewriting custom appenders
>>>>>>    - Current Log4J 1.x method - Rewriting of Logging Events by
>>>>>>       extending appropriate classes (i.e.: 
>>>>>> AppenderSkeleton/ConsoleAppender/DailyRollingFileAppender)
>>>>>>       [1]
>>>>>>       - Proposed Log4J 2.x method - Use of plugins to convert the
>>>>>>       log record into a required pattern with custom fields [2]
>>>>>>    2. Replace log4j.properties with a log4j2.properties file
>>>>>>       - The properties file should be changed to log4j2.properties
>>>>>>       and the syntax will different from v1 format [3]
>>>>>>    3. Remove
>>>>>>       - Direct use of log4j in org.wso2.carbon.server.Main - used to
>>>>>>       remove all appenders added in the non-OSGi environment
>>>>>>       - Package org.wso2.carbon.utils.logging.appenders as this
>>>>>>       should be rewritten as converter plugins
>>>>>> The following approaches were found and evaluated to identify the
>>>>>> most suitable one.
>>>>>>    1. Using pax-logging
>>>>>>    - The pax-logging api and the pax-logging-log4j bridge will have
>>>>>>       to be used.
>>>>>>       - Supposedly, pax-logging will feed the front-end logging into
>>>>>>       its log4j back-end using its built-in adapter which we are
>>>>>>       trying to achieve at the moment
>>>>>>    2. Using Log4J 2.x
>>>>>>       - This will need the log4j2-core, log4j2-api and the bridges
>>>>>>       to map the front-end logging api to Log4J 2.x back-end
>>>>>>       - Also this needs two OSGi fragments to customize the
>>>>>>       log4j-core and log4j-api work in OSGi
>>>>>>       - This requires the log4j2.properties file to be in the
>>>>>>       fragment used with log4j-core and therefore, the file cannot be 
>>>>>> edited later
>>>>>>       - Also, external .jar files are not able to find the logging
>>>>>>       implementation which we are still investigating as to why this 
>>>>>> happens
>>>>>>    3. Using both Log4j 1.x and 2.x
>>>>>>       - While C4 will use the latter as the back-end, the external
>>>>>>       jars needing v1 will use the former
>>>>>>       - This could lead to threading issues since appenders from two
>>>>>>       log4J versions will write to a single file simultaneously
>>>>>>    4. Using the Log4J 1.x bridge [4]
>>>>>>       - The Log4J 1.x jar is replaced with the 1.x bridge api and
>>>>>>       the required log4j2 files. This will redirect all the logs from 
>>>>>> Log4j 1.x
>>>>>>       to 2.x
>>>>>>       - This only works if there are no custom appenders
>>>>>> As per the current state, first approach will need the least changes
>>>>>> and since pax-logging is OSGi compatible this seems to be suitable.
>>>>>> However, the 2nd approach is also being looked into to fix the
>>>>>> aforementioned drawbacks and issues.
>>>>>> Thoughts please
>>>>>> [1] https://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/apidocs/org/apache/
>>>>>> log4j/spi/LoggingEvent.html
>>>>>> [2] http://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/plugins.html
>>>>>> [3] https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.0/manual/configuratio
>>>>>> n.html#Properties
>>>>>> [4] https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/migration.html
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Asma Zinneera Jabir
>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>> WSO2 Inc: http://wso2.com/
>>>>>> Contact No: +94 77 332 4752 <+94%2077%20332%204752>
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Architecture mailing list
>>>>> Architecture@wso2.org
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>>> --
>>> Asma Zinneera Jabir
>>> Software Engineer
>>> WSO2 Inc: http://wso2.com/
>>> Contact No: +94 77 332 4752 <+94%2077%20332%204752>
>> --
>> Asma Zinneera Jabir
>> Software Engineer
>> WSO2 Inc: http://wso2.com/
>> Contact No: +94 77 332 4752 <+94%2077%20332%204752>
> --
> *Kasun Gajasinghe*Associate Technical Lead, WSO2 Inc.
> email: kasung AT spamfree wso2.com
> linked-in: http://lk.linkedin.com/in/gajasinghe
> blog: http://kasunbg.org
> phone: +1 650-745-4499 <+1%20650-745-4499>, 77 678 0813


*Kasun Gajasinghe*Associate Technical Lead, WSO2 Inc.
email: kasung AT spamfree wso2.com
linked-in: http://lk.linkedin.com/in/gajasinghe
blog: http://kasunbg.org
phone: +1 650-745-4499, 77 678 0813
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