Hi All,

Currently, I'm working on improving the file connector with the following

   - Read a specific line from a file
   - Read range of lines
   - Get last modified time of a file
   - Get the size of a file
   - Append line/data to a file to a specific line
   - Split the file into chunks
   - Merge the chunks into a file

And also Biruntha is doing the competitor analysis with Apache Camel file
component. So we will add if we miss any functionalities in our connector.

Please let me know if you have any concerns.

[1]. Improving the file connector (Re: [Urgent][NYU Demo] How to get a
newly added records from a (csv) file, via ESB logic)

Keerthika Mahendralingam
Software Engineer
Mobile :+94 (0) 776 121144
WSO2, Inc.
lean . enterprise . middleware
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