On Thu, 25 Jan 2018 at 10:00 pm, Rajkumar Rajaratnam <rajkum...@wso2.com>

> On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 10:27 AM, Nuwan Dias <nuw...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, 25 Jan 2018 at 9:24 pm, Rajkumar Rajaratnam <rajkum...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Nuwan, Randilu,
>>> Would like to understand this feature a bit.
>>>    - I hope this is about exporting/importing OAuth applications which
>>>    subscribers create in dev portal, right? Is this CLI invoking Store REST
>>>    API?
>>> yes it does.
>>>    - If I wish to export the subscription, is there way to pick and
>>>    choose the subscriptions I want? If not, what happens if some of these 
>>> APIs
>>>    are not available in the upper environment while importing the 
>>> application?
>>>    The operation will fail altogether or we print some warnings and proceed?
>>> You can either export with or without subscriptions. You can’t pick and
>> choose right now.
>>>    - Can I update the existing application, without deleting and
>>>    importing it again?
>>>    - When I import an application with subscriptions, does it
>>>    auto-create the consumer key/secrets?
>>> No. This is intended to move apps across environments. It is unlikely
>> someone would reuse the same credentials across environments.
> ​I mean, it doesn't have to be same credential, but does it create
> consumer key/secret for me or I have to create it manually after I import
> the application into an environment for the first time?​

At the moment it doesn’t create new credentials as well.

>> Thanks.
>>> On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 8:26 AM, Nuwan Dias <nuw...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Randilu,
>>>> I don't think we can expect dev-ops persona to provide the UUID of the
>>>> application when exporting. He/She needs to be able to provide the name and
>>>> owner of the application and export. If we don't have APIs that can
>>>> retrieve Applications with that input we need to introduce them IMO.
>>>> I also think we need to export subscriptions by default when we export
>>>> an App. If someone wants to prevent exporting subscriptions then we should
>>>> provide a flag to skip exporting subscriptions.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> NuwanD.
>>>> On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 5:41 PM, Randilu Soysa <rand...@wso2.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> I’m working on a project to introduce commands to provide application
>>>>> import export support for the import-export-cli for APIM 2.x. I am 
>>>>> planning
>>>>> to introduce commands in order to list available applications of a 
>>>>> specific
>>>>> user, export an application from a desired environment and import an
>>>>> application to a desired environment.
>>>>> The commands are as follows,
>>>>> Exports an Application from a desired environment
>>>>> Commands
>>>>> export-app
>>>>>     Flags
>>>>>       Required
>>>>>         -n, --name string          Name of the Application to be exported
>>>>>         -i, --uuid string          UUID of the Application to be exported
>>>>>         -e, --environment string   Environment from which the Application 
>>>>> should be exported
>>>>>       Optional
>>>>>         -p, --password string      Password
>>>>>         -u, --username string      Username
>>>>>         -k, --insecure             Allow connections to SSL endpoints 
>>>>> without certs
>>>>>             --verbose              Enable verbose mode
>>>>> apimcli export-app (--name <name-of-the-application> --uuid 
>>>>> <uuid-of-the-application> --environment 
>>>>> <environment-from-which-the-app-should-be-exported>) [flags]
>>>>> Examples:
>>>>>         apimcli export-app -n SampleApp 
>>>>> 9f6affe2-4c97-4817-bded-717f8b01eee8 -e dev
>>>>>         apimcli export-app -n SampleApp 
>>>>> 7bc2b94e-c6d2-4d4f-beb1-cdccb08cd87f -e prod
>>>>> <https://github.com/randilu/WatchOver/new/master?readme=1#imports-an-application-to-a-desired-environment>Imports
>>>>> an Application to a desired environment
>>>>> Commands
>>>>> import-app
>>>>>     Flags
>>>>>         Required
>>>>>           -f, --file string          Name of the Application to be 
>>>>> imported
>>>>>           -e, --environment string   Environment from the which the 
>>>>> Application should be imported
>>>>>         Optional
>>>>>           -s, --addSubscriptions     Adds subscriptions of the Application
>>>>>           -o, --perserveOwner        Preserves app owner from the 
>>>>> original Environment
>>>>>           -p, --password string      Password
>>>>>           -u, --username string      Username
>>>>>           -k, --insecure             Allow connections to SSL endpoints 
>>>>> without certs
>>>>>               --verbose              Enable verbose mode
>>>>> apimcli import-app (--file <app-zip-file> --environment 
>>>>> <environment-to-which-the-app-should-be-imported>) [flags]
>>>>> Examples:
>>>>>         apimcli import-app -f qa/sampleApp.zip -e dev
>>>>>         apimcli import-app -f staging/sampleApp.zip -e prod -u admin -p 
>>>>> admin
>>>>>         apimcli import-app -f qa/sampleApp.zip --preserveOwner 
>>>>> --addSubscriptions -e prod
>>>>> <https://github.com/randilu/WatchOver/new/master?readme=1#lists-the-applications-available-for-a-certain-user>Lists
>>>>> the Applications available for a certain user
>>>>> Commands
>>>>> list apps
>>>>>     Flags
>>>>>         Required
>>>>>             -e, --environment
>>>>>         Optional
>>>>>             -u, --username
>>>>>             -p, --password
>>>>> Examples:
>>>>>         apimcli list apps -e dev
>>>>>         apimcli list apps -e staging
>>>>>         apimcli list apps -e staging -u admin -p 123456
>>>>>         apimcli list apps -e staging -u admin
>>>>>         apimcli list apps -e staging -p 123456
>>>>> Your suggestions and feedback on this is highly appreciated!
>>>>> --
>>>>> *Randilu Soysa*
>>>>> Software Engineering Intern | WSO2
>>>>> Email    : rand...@wso2.com
>>>>> Mobile   : +94 77 197 5078 <+94%2077%20197%205078>
>>>>> linkedin : linkedin.com/in/randilusoysa
>>>>> Web      : http://wso2.com
>>>>> <http://wso2.com/signature>
>>>> --
>>>> Nuwan Dias
>>>> Software Architect - WSO2, Inc. http://wso2.com
>>>> email : nuw...@wso2.com
>>>> Phone : +94 777 775 729 <+94%2077%20777%205729>
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Architecture mailing list
>>>> Architecture@wso2.org
>>>> https://mail.wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/architecture
>>> --
>>> *Rajkumar Rajaratnam*
>>> Associate Technical Lead
>>> WSO2, Inc. <http://wso2.com/>
>>> Mobile: +1 312 539 6763 <(312)%20539-6763>
>> --
>> Nuwan Dias
>> Software Architect - WSO2, Inc. http://wso2.com
>> email : nuw...@wso2.com
>> Phone : +94 777 775 729 <+94%2077%20777%205729>
> --
> *Rajkumar Rajaratnam*
> Associate Technical Lead
> WSO2, Inc. <http://wso2.com/>
> Mobile: +1 312 539 6763
Nuwan Dias

Software Architect - WSO2, Inc. http://wso2.com
email : nuw...@wso2.com
Phone : +94 777 775 729
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