On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 2:17 AM Nuwan Bandara <nu...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I stumbled upon one of Roy Fielding tweets -
> https://twitter.com/fielding/status/376835835670167552 :)

I unfortunately don't agree with this tweet :). I don't understand how
having a v1 makes your API non-evolvable. IMO the sole purpose of having v1
is to say the API will/should evolve to v2, v3, likewise.

> and started digging bit on api versioning. Right now we encourage API-M
> users to make API versions explicit in the API URI. which means a sample
> URI is /{context}/{version}/{resource}
> example: /pizzahut/v1/order
> however this is not the best option. We are gateway providers, IMO we
> should give options.

We give an option to omit the version from the URI by marking the API as
the default version to route to. So you can access this API through
/pizzahut/order (no need v1). The gateway will route the request to
whatever version is selected as primary (default).

> some good alternatives are allow API developers to use headers to
> communicate version info like
> GET /pizzahut/order
> Accept: application/vnd.pizza.order.v1+json
> or something similar.
> I know we can handle custom headers in mediation, but we should provide
> this by default, maybe provide that as the default option rather than URL
> based explicit option.
> Some good reading -
> https://www.mnot.net/blog/2012/12/04/api-evolution.html
> Regards,
> /Nuwan
> --
> *Thanks & Regards,*
> *Nuwan Bandara | Director - **Solutions Architecture,  WSO2 Inc.*
> *+1 646 643 8618 | +1 650 745 2169 Ext 4212 | http://nuwanbando.com
> <http://nuwanbando.com> *
> <http://www.nuwanbando.com/>

*Nuwan Dias* | Director | WSO2 Inc.
(m) +94 777 775 729 | (e) nuw...@wso2.com
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