Hi all,

We're in the process of designing and implementing a REST API for email
templates. This API will cover all the functionalities exposed through the
*I18nEmailMgtConfigService* admin service.
As of now, we've designed the swagger definition [1]
<https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/vihanga/EmailTemplate/v1#/> for the API
and now starting the development. Current API definition has the following

   - /email/templates:
   - GET - Retrieve all email template types with limited information of
      the email templates.
      - POST - Create new email template type with or without email
   - /email/templates/{email-template-type-id}:
   - GET - Retrieve the email template type corresponds to the template
      type id.
      - POST - Add a new email template to an existing email template type.
      - PUT - Replace all email templates of the respective email template
      type with the newly provided email templates.
      - DELETE - Removes an email template type.
   - /email/templates/{email-template-type-id}/locale:
   - GET - Retrieve the set of locale objects corresponds to the template
      type id.
   - /email/templates/{email-template-type-id}/locale/{locale-code}:
   - GET - Retrieves the email template of the provided locale of the
      corresponding email template type id.
      - PUT - Replace the email template identified by the locale, of the
      respective email template type.
      - DELETE - Removes an email template that corresponds to the email
      template type ID and the locale.

All your valuable input on this are highly appreciated.


[1] - https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/vihanga/EmailTemplate/v1#/


Vihanga Liyanage

Software Engineer | WS*O₂* Inc.

M : +*94710124103* | http://wso2.com

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