Hi all

WSO2 Cellery Team is pleased to announce the release of Cellery 0.5.0!

Cellery is an architectural description language, tooling and extensions
for popular cloud-native runtimes that enables agile development teams to
easily create a composable enterprise in a technology neutral way.

You can now download the Cellery 0.5.0 installers.

   - Ubuntu Installer
   - macOS Installer

*What's new in Cellery 0.5.0*

This release mainly includes the Ballerina upgrade to 1.0.3
For a complete list of the new features, improvements and bug fixes shipped
with Cellery 0.5.0 please refer the milestone in github

*How to Get Started*

You can get started with Cellery by following the ReadMe in wso2-cellery/sdk
<https://github.com/wso2-cellery/sdk/tree/v0.5.0#getting-started> repository.


Tryout Cellery features with samples,

   1. Hello world sample
   <https://github.com/wso2-cellery/samples/tree/v0.5.0/cells/hello-world> -
   get started with simple web cell
   2. Pet store sample
   <https://github.com/wso2-cellery/samples/tree/v0.5.0/cells/pet-store> -
   demonstrates all features from cell testing, updates, scaling and
   3. Hipster shop sample
   <https://github.com/wso2-cellery/samples/tree/v0.5.0/cells/hipster-shop> -
   demonstrate cellery with Cloud-Native micro services demo application
   here <https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo>.

You can learn more about the Cellery Samples and try them out here

*Reporting Issues*

We encourage you to report issues, improvements, and feature requests
regarding Cellery through GitHub issues. You can learn more about Cellery
Issue Management here

*Mailing Lists*

Join our Google group and correspond with the developers directly. We
encourage you to engage in the discussions and raise any questions
regarding Cellery in the Google group.

   - Google Group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/wso2-cellery-dev

*Contributing to Cellery*

We encourage you to engage in discussions and help improve Cellery. You can
follow the contribution guide
<https://github.com/wso2-cellery/sdk/blob/v0.5.0/CONTRIBUTING.md> if you
wish to contribute.

For more information about WSO2 Cellery, please see

Thank you!

~ WSO2 Cellery Team ~
Architecture mailing list

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