I am running on RedHat Enterprise 4 update 4.  It has crashed on m2 at
least 6 times in the last two weeks and I am not doing anything
"special" with it.  Also, I have noticed that it is creating almost 5
Gigs in logs files a day.  I wonder if this has anything to do with it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Miles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 12:45 PM
To: archiva-users@maven.apache.org
Subject: Re: Archiva crashes after a couple of days


I can tell you that we've had our Archiva instance up and running for at
least 3+ weeks without having to restart.  We have 5 repositories and
about 6 remote repositories and we too are using the standalone product
and nearly all consumers.

What platform are you running on?

On Fri, 2008-02-22 at 12:40 -0800, Jason Chaffee wrote:
> I am running the standalone archiva and I have about 4 managed
> repositories (including a proxy repo), and about 6 or 7 remote
> repositories.  I create a single proxy connector to all of the remote
> repositories and changed my settings.xml to be a mirrorOf *.
> I only have my Continuous Integration box configured to use Archiva as
> proxy and I am finding that it crashes every couple of days.  Also, I
> running all of default consumers and I do see the bug about invalid
> for some artifacts (Bret Porter closed the bug yesterday and the fix
> will be in 1.0.2).
> Has anyone else seen this?  Any ideas?  

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