Happy Cyber Monday!


   ONE DAY ONLY: 50% off Pro Dada Subscriptions!

   [1]Pro Dada
   Subscription at 50% off!


   This offer is good until Tuesday, 12:00am MST.

   Pro Dada is a special distribution of Dada Mail, that comes with no
   list/subscription limitations.

   Being a Pro Dada Subscriber gives you unlimited access to download Pro
   Dada distribution, as well as the Pro Dada Manual. This manual is
   viewable online, as well as available as a downloadable PDF manual for
   offline viewing (DRM-free).

   Being a Pro Dada Subscriber also gives you direct, prioritized support
   to the developers of Dada Mail through email and Zendesk. With over 19
   years of experience helping people getting the most out of Dada Mail,
   we're here to make sure you're having the best experience when
   utilizing Dada Mail.

   Your Pro Dada install on your own server/hosting account never expires
   and never becomes remotely disabled, even if your Pro Dada
   subscription lapses. Re-up your subscription at any time to re-enable
   access to new versions of the distribution, manual, and to regain our
   professional support.

   Pro Dada comes in two pricing structures: a yearly subscription, and a
   never-ending subscription. We started our never-ending subscription
   over ten years ago, and our customers who purchased that ten years ago
   still have their access!

   Still have questions?
   [3]Email us,
   and we'll try to point you to the right choice for your organization.

   Happy Cyber Monday!

   Justin at Dada Mail,
   since 1999


   [3] mailto:jus...@dadamailproject.com?Subject=Pro/%20Dada%20Questions

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From: jus...@dadamailproject.com
PO BOX 18234 
Denver, CO

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