Dear Colleague and Graduate students,

On behalf of the center of clinical medical research, institute of medical 
innovation and research of Peking University Third Hospital, we are pleased to 
invite graduate students to give an oral presentation at the International 
Forum for Outstanding Graduate Students in Quantitative Pharmacology of Peking 
University, scheduled on 9th July 2023.

The forum is expected to build a platform for international exchange of 
innovative thinking, broaden academic horizons and stimulate innovation 
potential for outstanding graduate students in the field of quantitative 
pharmacology, and promote interdisciplinary and integrated innovation for the 
formation of a young academic community. The theme is "Integrated Innovation 
and Blueprint Quantitative Pharmacology for Youth", and two parallel sessions, 
four sub-topics will be set, namely, precision dosing, mechanism innovation, 
interdisciplinary study and frontier approach. The forum is planned to last for 
one day. It will share outstanding scientific research results in the form of 
academic reports. Meanwhile, well-known experts in the field of quantitative 
pharmacology will be invited to give reports and comment on the academic 
reports of graduate students.

The draft agenda and information are attached for your reference.Agenda 
(Beijing, China)










Opening Ceremony


Prof. Wei Lu, Peking University

Prof. Pei Hu, Peking Union Medical College

William Jusko, SUNY Buffalo

Experts from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation




Invited Lecture


Under Invitation




Tea Break




Invited Lecture


Prof. Gaowei Wang


Prof. Dongyang Liu, Peking University Third Hospital


Under Invitation




Lunch break




Forum for Graduate Students


Session 1:

Precision Dosing


Session 2:

Mechanism Innovation




Tea break




Session 3

Interdisciplinary Study


Session 4

Frontier Approach




Experts comment


Pei Hu, Zheng Jiao, Gaowei Wang, Dongyang Liu


Tianyan Zhou, Xiaodong Liu, Xiaoqiang Xiang, Lujin Li




Prize Presentation





Conference Information
1. Location:Beijing(Offline oral presentation, online broadcast, welcome to
participate offline)
2.     Time:9th July 2023
3.     Participants:Postgraduate and Ph.D. candidates in quantitative 
pharmacology related fields worldwide
4.     Related Topics: The latest research findings and scientific progress in 
quantitative pharmacology related to the theme of the Forum
5.     Type of Submission: Research abstracts in English should generally 
include title, author, full name of author's organization, background, purpose, 
methods, results and conclusions with pictures (no more than 1000 words, with a 
Graphic abstract or main chart of the paper), and keywords. Please make a 
special note if the submission requires confidentiality.
6.     Contact information of the Conference: Please send your contributions to before April 30, 2023. The Conference committee will organize 
an expert committee to select the submissions and determine the list of oral 
reports (Participants should make a 15 min oral presentation in English with a 
PPT and discussion for 10 min).
7.     The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will support travel expenses for 
students who are invited to give oral presentations. International students are 
limited for economy class tickets and will be invited based on the quality of 
the abstract. This forum is free of charge.

Telephone:+8610-82266457 (Beijing)

Address: 49 North Garden Rd., Haidian District Beijing, P.R.China

Postcode: 100191


Looking forward to your attendance!


Kind regards

Prof. Dongyang Liu

Chairman of the forum
Peking University Third Hospital

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