Hello everyone,

We're actively looking for a new system for managing information about our
A/V media, not just the content and where it lives intellectually within
archival collections, but also the format, the age and condition of the
media, and whether and when it has been migrated to other media, at a

For example, I'd like to be able to run a report that would tell me what we
have on film that has never been forward-migrated, then another that would
tell me what has been forward-migrated, but over 10 years ago. Maybe what
was digitized to or received on DVD but never saved on networked storage.
We're talking on a scale of tens of thousands, very likely more, individual

We've been asking around on specialized listservs and elsewhere, but I
thought I'd ask here as well, since we're in ArchivesSpace and would like
to implement something that works with and builds on the ASpace data we're
already spending so much time on.

It doesn't seem like there's anything out-of-the-box that will do what we
need, and a veritable garden of home-grown solutions out there. I'd love to
hear from you if you're using a system (whether home grown or not) that you
think works well.

Many thanks for your thoughts and responses,


Christie S. Peterson
Manager of Technical Services for Special Collections
Smith College
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