We’ve been toying with the idea of using Events to record digitization and 
metadata review/approval status information for a large data 
migration/re-architecture project as well as record these elements going 
forward. The customer’s old system tracked project and item status information, 
metadata management, QA, repository functions, and public interface deployment 
in a single system and wants to retain as much of that functionality in as few 
new systems as possible – the old system/workflows performed lots of assurance 
checks before content was deemed ready to be released for exhibit building.

I’ve added ‘digitized’ and ‘metadata validated’ to the event_event_type 
controlled vocabulary list as an experiment, combined with the label 
‘Digitized’ within the Date subrecord. The desire is to have ASpace be the 
authoritative store for these trigger events so the customer knows when content 
is ready for release, or to blacklist objects that are not yet ready or 
otherwise quarantined.

We’re getting close to re-purposing ASpace as a DAMS, but trying hard to record 
only essential/enduring archival metadata in ASpace, not project management/QA 
information that likely has a limited retention value.


John P. Rees
Archivist and Digital Resources Manager
History of Medicine Division
National Library of Medicine

From: Michelle Paquette <mpaque...@smith.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2018 2:40 PM
To: archivesspace_users_group@lyralists.lyrasis.org
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Using ASpace event records to track 
digitization work?

At my former institution we used the "Capture" event to track capture of born 
digital, using the Outcome field to specify whether the capture was successful, 
partially successful, or unsuccessful and detailing where the captured material 
was now stored and any associated files related to the capture report. But we 
weren't using events to note digitization of analog material. I'd be happy to 
connect anyone to the Digital Archivist there if they want to know more.


On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 2:06 PM Lara Friedman-Shedlov 
<l...@umn.edu<mailto:l...@umn.edu>> wrote:
I have been using events in ASpace to record work done on born digital 
collection materials. So far I've just been creating events to indicate 
completion of ingest and processing.  However, so far we haven't really figured 
out whether it is actually useful or what exactly we can do with this info, so 
I'd be interested in hearing from others.

/ Lara Friedman-Shedlov

On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 12:38 PM Clemens, Alison 
<alison.clem...@yale.edu<mailto:alison.clem...@yale.edu>> wrote:
Dear colleagues,

I’m writing to ask if anyone is using ArchivesSpace event records to track 
digitization work performed on collection materials. For example, I could see 
indicating digitization status by attaching event records to particular 
archival components and/or resources. If you’re doing something like this, 
would you mind please sharing the details of how you’ve set this up?

Additionally, I’d love to hear if folks using other ArchivesSpace data elements 
to indicate specific details of digitization efforts (e.g., if digitization was 
unsuccessful due to fragility, etc.).

I’ve looked through past listserv digests and haven’t found anything quite 
along these lines, but I’d be grateful to hear of any experiences you might 
have with this or similar efforts!

With thanks,

Alison Clemens
Assistant Head of Arrangement and Description
Manuscripts & Archives, Yale University Library
P.O. Box 208240
New Haven, CT 06520-8240

Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list


Lara D. Friedman-Shedlov        (She/Her/Hers)
Kautz Family YMCA Archives<http://www.lib.umn.edu/ymca> | University of 
Minnesota Libraries
l...@umn.edu<mailto:l...@umn.edu> |  612.626.7972 |

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Michelle Paquette
Metadata & Technical Services Archivist
Special Collections
Smith College
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