Stephen, all:

Of course, right after I send the previous message, I tried to replicate the 
issue in yet another instance of ASpace, and everything works as expected there 
(well, aside from the fact that the index notes don't display very nicely in 
the PUI).  See

I did run into the same issue that you did when trying to replicate the issue 
in Yale's instance of ASpace (version 2.4.1, so a little bit behind the version 
where I know for sure that it works, but I'm also pretty sure that it worked in 
version 2.1, as well).  I'm not sure if that's because the bibliography note 
isn't getting index in the first place or what, but I think we'll need to check 
the logs as Blake suggested.

Anyhow, hopefully we can figure things out soon.


<> on behalf of Custer, 
Mark <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 9:23:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Bibliography note not displaying in PUI


This looks like a bug to me.  I haven't had much time to look into it, but I 
have managed to replicate the issue and it appears to affect both the PUI *and* 
the EAD exports, as you note. The second part is very strange, since I know 
that I've tested those notes via EAD exports a few years ago.  So, not sure if 
this is something new that's cropped up (which it seems to be, since I also 
thought that the PUI part worked in a previous version, though I've yet to 
verify that so I could be mistaken), or if it's a bug that's gone unnoticed for 
a long time.

Anyhow, I'd suggest creating a JIRA report specifically for the issue about the 
bibliography notes (or I can do that by the end of the week, once I have a bit 
more time to dig into this). I'm going to try to test a few more things this 
week to see if I can't figure out what's going on.


<> on behalf of Blake 
Carver <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 7:57:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Bibliography note not displaying in PUI

Have a look in your logs, what's the error reported there?

<> on behalf of Stephen 
Innes <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 8:48:20 PM
Subject: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Bibliography note not displaying in PUI

I note that this issue appears to have been partially resolved with 
 However, our Bibliography notes are not currently displaying in the PUI, eg in 
this record:<>

Attached is a screenshot of the Bibliography note for this resource: Cuthbert 
family papers. MSS & Archives 2003/6.

Also, the AS staff interface does not seem to be exporting this note either, as 
can be seen in the attached EAD record for the resource.

Can someone update us on the status of this bug or suggest a solution?


Stephen Innes

Team Leader, Cultural Collections (Special Collections)

General Library, Te Herenga Mātauranga Whānui

The University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019

Auckland 1142

New Zealand

Telephone (649) 373-7599 ext. 88062 | Fax (649) 373-7565


Online exhibition: Special Collections First World War Centenary 

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