Happy New Year, and happy Wednesday:

I wanted to follow up on this blog post, 
https://archivesspace.org/archives/2534, now that Yale is using the 
ArchivesSpace Public Interface in production.

Every once in a while, I run a few online searches to see who else is using the 
public interface.  Back in November 2017, I had found 48 different sites (with 
about 9 of those sites that looked to be testing the waters).  As of today, I 
have found ... drum roll... :

  *   153 total sites using the PUI
  *   133 using ArchivesSpace 2.1 or newer, with about 10 of those perhaps 
still in beta (but I've added any site that I could find with an online search)
  *   6 using Aeon for requesting
  *   4 outside of the U.S

Here's a link to the document where I've been keeping track of the sites:

I've updated that document so that anyone should be able to make edits, so feel 
free to correct any data that's there, add something, delete, etc.

At Yale, in the next couple of months we are looking to make a few changes to 
the "Collection Organization" / single-scroll view.  We'll write back to the 
list once we have more to share about that. I'm curious if there are any other 
institutions looking to make changes to general functionality in the public 
interface, whether in regards to searching, indexing, digital object 
integration, HTML or PDF displays, etc.

I also just wanted to write back now that there are over 100 sites using 
ArchivesSpace as a public interface.  That's really cool!

All my best, and I look forward to seeing where folks take the PUI in the near 

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