Hey all,

We recently ran into something that we thought was an indexing issue in AS 
version 2.6.0, so we decided to delete our index and restart.

However, we’ve now run into an issue where the resources never finish indexing. 
I am seeing some errors in the log with indexer worker threads failing, but 
we’re not sure why, or how to fix it.

Any thoughts would be appreciated, because it’s starting to impact staff work.


Here’s an example of one of the errors:

E, [2019-11-05T13:31:27.413746 #10252] ERROR -- : Thread-2022: 
uri:classloader:/jsonmodel_client.rb:489:in `all'
 `block in start_worker_thread'
 `block in start_worker_thread'
E, [2019-11-05T13:31:27.414622 #10252] ERROR -- : Thread-2022: #<RuntimeError: 
{"error":"undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass"}

-Patrick Galligan
Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

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