Dear all,

We are relatively new to ArchivesSpace and are currently exploring using the 
collection management functions in AS with a view to producing local guidelines 
for archivists working in the Cambridge University Library and partner 
organisations. Our ideal is that AS becomes the one (and only) place for notes 
and documentation about collection management.

One of the issues we are seeking to accommodate is using AS to prompt us about 
dates for future action. Here are a couple of scenarios of the type of thing we 
would like to do:-

1)      Produce reports of future dates when archival material is due to be 
opened or reviewed

2)      Produce reports of future dates to prompt action by the repository eg 
get back in touch with a depositor to remind them to return deed of a gift

For scenario 1, we've been exploring adding dates to resource/resource 
component descriptions in the 'conditions governing access' note field and 
linking the resource/resource component to an Assessment record. Our tech team 
wrote us a report which could pull together any resource/resource with a date 
in the 'conditions governing access' field. This looks like it will work well.

For scenario 2, we're a little stuck. We think it would be helpful to be able 
to include a future date to an assessment record, but I wondered whether any 
other AS users out there have come up with different solutions to this. I am 
sorry if I have missed anything obvious but would be very grateful for any help 
or advice. It would also be interesting to know whether other repositories 
would be interested in amending the assessment record in this way.

Best wishes,


Natalie Adams
Systems Archivist
Cambridge University Library
West Road
Cambridge, CB3 9DR
Tel 01223 766377<>
Normal working days are Monday to Thursday.

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