What Mark said. And in addition, I would say that when dealing with these 
levels in EAD, what you usually want or need is to distinguish is top-level, 
middle-levels and leaves, so in practice making everything in the middle 
“subseries” is OK, and if you need finer distinctions you export as numbered c 
sections ( c01, c02, c03… ) 

> On Oct 20, 2020, at 1:09 PM, Custer, Mark <mark.cus...@yale.edu> wrote:
> Hi, Lev.
> Short answer:  you can select “otherlevel” and then type in “sub-subseries” 
> (even “sub-sub-subseries” and whatever else that’s needed). You might need to 
> update your display code, but that approach would keep the EAD valid.  I'm 
> attaching a screenshot for how to do that in ArchivesSpace.  That said, I 
> would probably advise against doing that since then you’re on the hook for 
> making sure that there are no typos, etc….. and what, really, is a 
> sub-subseries, or a sub-series, for that matter? 😊.  So, again, the display 
> code might need to be updated, but nothing else would preclude you have 
> having subseries children of other subseries.
> Longer response, which doesn't really add much:  the closed list that 
> ArchivesSpace uses for its "Archival Object Level" enumeration list comes 
> from the EAD schemas.  Those schemas are based on ISAD(G) 3.1.4, which does 
> not specify a closed list or definitions for different levels, I don’t think, 
> but it does include a few different examples such as “Sub-series”.  In the 
> first version of EAD, it looks like there were 9 valid options for the level 
> of description, including “subseries”.  EAD 2002 and EAD3 bump that up to 11 
> valid options.  And starting with EAD2002, “otherlevel” was added to the 
> controlled list of values to provide users a way to specify any other level 
> that was required locally.  So, you can encode something like 
> @level=’otherlevel’ and @otherlevel=’sub-subseries’ to add any local levels 
> of description that you want.  
> All that said, I still don't know the difference between a series and 
> subseries (aside from the context, which would be indicated by having a 
> series as a child of a series), so I'm actually in favor of less values (e.g. 
> removing subseries and just using series wherever that's needed) 🙂. 
> Mark
> From: <> archivesspace_users_group-boun...@lyralists.lyrasis.org 
> <mailto:archivesspace_users_group-boun...@lyralists.lyrasis.org> 
> [mailto:archivesspace_users_group-boun...@lyralists.lyrasis.org 
> <mailto:archivesspace_users_group-boun...@lyralists.lyrasis.org>] On Behalf 
> Of Earle, Lev
> Sent: Tuesday, 20 October, 2020 12:25 PM
> To: archivesspace_users_group@lyralists.lyrasis.org 
> <mailto:archivesspace_users_group@lyralists.lyrasis.org>
> Subject: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Sub-subseries custom usage?
> Hello everyone, 
> I’m wondering if anyone out there has configured their instance to make 
> sub-subseries level designations available.
> I’m currently working with some very large collection imports where 
> sub-subseries would be useful, and know that EAD allows for I think a maximum 
> of twelve levels (or something faintly ridiculous), but also know that the 
> out-of-the-box AS doesn’t include a sub-subseries level designation. I know 
> you can technically nest subseries as children under each other, but this 
> feels like bad form and plays havoc with our display code. We could probably 
> figure out something ourselves to hack in a sub-subseries designation, but I 
> wanted to see what/if anyone else was doing, as we’d like to try and build 
> consistently with other institutions to make future inter-institutional 
> collaboration go more smoothly.
> Many thanks for any help! I’m new to this listserv and have been learning a 
> lot following conversations but still have a long ways to go.
> Cheers, 
> -Lev.
> ___________________________
> Lev Earle
> Special Collections Processing Archivist – RBSCP
> University of Rochester River Campus Libraries
> they/them pronouns
> <otherlevel_ASpace.png>_______________________________________________
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