Hi Jill,

On the first issue – having to re-search after editing a top container – 
there’s some good news.  The latest release (v2.8.1) includes this 
functionality (generously contributed by developers at Harvard): 
https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/pull/1887  Feel free to test out 
your workflow in the ArchivesSpace sandbox (http://sandbox.archivesspace.org/) 
and, hopefully, it performs as you’d like.  Feedback welcome.

On the second issue, have you tried using the “Bulk Operations” dropdown 
located at the top of the page?  (It’s duplicated on both the top and bottom of 
the page).  I’m not able to replicate the problem you’re seeing here locally 
(v2.8.1, Mac, Chrome), but perhaps you’ll find using the top dropdown to be a 
decent enough work around as you’re completing this work.

Hope that helps.

Lora Woodford

From: archivesspace_users_group-boun...@lyralists.lyrasis.org 
Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 3:27 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group <archivesspace_users_group@lyralists.lyrasis.org>
Subject: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] FW: Small (?) annoying problem

Hello all,

I have found something that seems small. Until you are putting container and 
location profiles in for 160 boxes.
If you use the Manage Top Containers section and get your list of boxes, but 
choose to only edit only one, you have to re-search for all those boxes once 
the edit has been saved. My collection has 160 boxes, I find one that is on a 
shelf alone and choose just that one to update. Once I’ve saved, I cannot go 
backwards to my entire list, but must re-search to get it again.

My second small annoying problem is that my screen is not quite big enough 
vertically to see all the drop downs. I will attach an image where I tried to 
update a single location for a number of boxes. I only see the first two 
choices of the dropdown menu. I have done this enough to know to tab down once 
for single and twice for multiple. When I am putting in shelves, this can 
happen too. Say I want to put a box on shelf 6. I will be able to see 1-4 only. 
I use the magic tab down to guess, but sometimes it does not work and I have to 
re-do it several times to get the right shelf.

That was a lot of words. I am updating several hundred locations and 
containers, and I’m getting peeved. Also, I have been kicked out 4 times in the 
last 3 hours, which we haven’t figured out yet. Local IT has helped me check 
this end and I have turned off extensions, etc. But I keep getting kicked out.


Jill Sweetapple
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Head of Archives and Special Collections
American Baptist Historical Society
3001 Mercer University Dr.
Atlanta, GA  30341-4115

(01) 678/547-6680

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