Hi all,

We're exploring sharing our archival data with a few partners via OAI, and have 
been coming up against timeouts when attempting to export some of our larger 
collections (with, say, over 10,000 published descendant records), even when 
increasing the timeout threshold to ten minutes. We appreciate that 10,000 
archival object records on one resource is fairly large (our largest has more 
like 90,000), but I can't imagine that there aren't other institutions with 
individual collections as large or larger (perhaps substantially so). Are 
others in this same boat able to export these larger collections via OAI? We've 
implemented a change in our local plugin which stops processing and adding 
child records to the oai_ead output, which allows all of the resource-level 
records to be generated without timing out, but does mean we miss out on being 
able to share multi-level descriptions.

In a similar vein we're unable to generate PDFs on our PUI for some of these 
larger records, or export their EAD in the staff interface. We've worked around 
these latter issues by adding functionality to export portions of a record tree 
rather than the whole thing, but it would be nice to know if this is a problem 
that others are facing too (or if, say, it's caused by our local setup, 
infrastructure, etc).

Many thanks,
Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

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