I'm attempting to create a Docker container for ArchivesSpace and I cannot seem 
to get it to connect to my MySQL container. I'm still very new to Docker, so 
I'm sure there is a step in the process I am missing. My repo is here: 
 and the error I keep getting is attached.

Sorry to be a bother, but I just don't understand where I've gone wrong. I 
tried adding environment variables in the docker-compose file and I've tried 
changing the config.rb file.
'localhost', the hostname for the IP address '', is meaningless in a 
container, you can't connect to it. What's more, MySQL's convention is that 
'localhost' does not mean a TCP connection, but a UNIX socket connection, which 
will not work either. The solution is to use the hostname of the database 
container from the compose file in the connection string:

AppConfig[:db_url] = 

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