We're in the process of implementing ArchivesSpace at UNI.
We've practiced setting up a University Archives classification and nesting
additional classifications within that, based on our current
hierarchical organization in Drupal. We're more than likely going to be
using ASpace's public interface for the time being and are wondering if
there's a way to only show the identifier information in red in the
attached image. Mainly, wondering if there's a way to not have each
classification level displayed to avoid confusion.

Thanks in advance!

*Tessa Wakefield (she/her <https://www.mypronouns.org/>)*

Archival Processor & Reference Associate

University of Northern Iowa

Rod Library


LIB 342  /  Cedar Falls, IA 50614
uni.edu  /  #1UNI
*To schedule an appointment, please visit **LibCal
<https://uni.libcal.com/appointments/scua>. SC&UA is open by appointment
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