Hi all,

I’m trying out the digital object import spreadsheet and while I had it work 
successfully before with one collection, I’m getting error messages now with a 
different collection and wondering if someone could help me troubleshoot.

I’m trying to attach a digital object to folder-level record (is this possible 
with the spreadsheet import)? I’ve put in the record’s aspace ID as I see it in 
the resource record, but I keep getting this message: Cannot find archival 
object   with Ref ID  aspace_984xxxx etc etc

I have tried using the EADID, the Collection-level ID, and the folder-level ID 
in the spreadsheet, but this keeps happening.

What might I be doing wrong? Any suggestions?

Thank you!

Jessica Webster
Digital Initiatives Librarian, Assistant Professor
Baruch College, Newman Library

Note: I do not expect a response outside of standard business hours.

From: archivesspace_users_group-boun...@lyralists.lyrasis.org 
<archivesspace_users_group-boun...@lyralists.lyrasis.org> On Behalf Of Jared 
Sent: Monday, February 7, 2022 10:46 AM
To: archivesspace_users_group@lyralists.lyrasis.org
Subject: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Error when trying to import XML file

Hi all,

I was trying to import a bunch of collection data via an MarcXMLfile and got 
the following error message:


The following errors were found:
dates_of_existence/0/expression : is required unless a begin or end date is 
dates_of_existence/0/begin : is required unless an expression or an end date is 
dates_of_existence/0/end : is required unless an expression or a begin date is 

 For JSONModel(:agent_person):
 #<JSONModel(:agent_person) {"jsonmodel_type"=>"agent_person", 
"agent_contacts"=>[], "linked_agent_roles"=>[], "external_documents"=>[], 
"notes"=>[], "used_within_repositories"=>[], 
"dates_of_existence"=>[{"jsonmodel_type"=>"date", "date_type"=>"single", 
"label"=>"existence"}], "is_slug_auto"=>true, 
"names"=>[{"jsonmodel_type"=>"name_person", "use_dates"=>[], 
"authorized"=>false, "is_display_name"=>false, "sort_name_auto_generate"=>true, 
"name_order"=>"inverted", "primary_name"=>"Magalhães", 
"rest_of_name"=>"Fernão de", "dates"=>"-1521", "source"=>"lcsh"}], 


I had previously tested this with a cut down version of the same data that 
imported just fine, so I'm not sure what exactly the issue is or what I need to 
do to fix this so the file will import correctly. Any suggestions?


Jared Walske (he/him)
Reference Librarian
The Public Library of Brookline
Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

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