These are both incredibly helpful responses – thank you Andrew and Mark!


Sarah Newhouse   (she, her, hers)
Digital Preservation Archivist
Othmer Library of Chemical History
t. +1.215.873.8249

Science History Institute
Chemistry • Engineering • Life Sciences
315 Chestnut Street • Philadelphia, PA 19106 • U.S.A.
Learn about the scientific discoveries that changed our world at<>
<> On Behalf Of Andrew 
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2022 4:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] id=0 error on EAD XML import

Don't be surprised if the import fails again, with the same message but for a 
subrecord, or with a different message. That is because the ArchivesSpace EAD 
importer uses a SAX parser method 
( to read the XML, not a DOM 
(Document Object Model) method. The former is faster and uses less memory, but 
cannot scan an entire XML file for issues and report back with a list of things 
to fix, as the latter would. That is why many people use a pre-import 
validation step to find most of the issues that might occur, without the 
laborious process of creating an import job, waiting for it to fail, then 

Harvard have made theirs into a web service which you might find useful:

I think it is fairly generic (unlike a similar validation script used here 
which imposes editorial restrictions as well.)


On 19/10/2022 22:19, Custer, Mark wrote:

I suspect that your EAD file is missing an archdesc/did/unitid field.  This is 
where ArchivesSpace pulls information to create its Identifier field for the 
new Resource (see the attached screenshot), which is a required element.

If you add something there, then I believe it should work.  Here’s an example 
from one of our EAD files,
  (this file is EAD3, but the archdesc/did/unitid construction looks the same 
in EAD2002).

As for why you don’t have one in your file, I expect that’s because the call 
number is stored in a related MARC holdings record, or somewhere else that’s 
not being migrated as part of the MARC XML to EAD conversion (e.g., an 099 


 on behalf of Newhouse, Sarah 
Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 4:33 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group 
Subject: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] id=0 error on EAD XML import
Hi all,

I’m trying to import a test EAD file that I transformed from MARC XML as a 
trial run for doing this in batches. I knew it would be janky, but I can’t 
narrow in on the specific form of the jank here. When I import I get the error 
below (it’s long, apologies). My two best guesses are
a) ASpace is missing something in each XML element needed to create an ID in 
every one of the JSON fields below?  (which appears to be the entire resource 
b) there’s something missing from the <ead> element in the XML file? (which 
there shouldn’t be – I copied it in manually from an ASpace EAD export)

I know this id_0 error is vague and has confused other people before, but I 
couldn’t find enough information to help me narrow in on the specific issue is 



The following errors were found:

        id_0 : Property is required but was missing

 For JSONModel(:resource):

 #<JSONModel(:resource) {"jsonmodel_type"=>"resource", "external_ids"=>[], 
"linked_events"=>[], "extents"=>[{"jsonmodel_type"=>"extent", 
"import_context"=>"<physdesc class=\"cdata\"> ... </physdesc>", 
"number"=>"169", "extent_type"=>"Linear Feet", "portion"=>"whole"}], 
"lang_materials"=>[{"jsonmodel_type"=>"lang_material", "notes"=>[], 
"import_context"=>"<did class=\"cdata\" id=\"a1\"> ... </did>", 
"language"=>"und"}}], "dates"=>[{"jsonmodel_type"=>"date", 
"import_context"=>"<unitdate class=\"cdata\" encodinganalog=\"245$f\" 
type=\"inclusive\"> ... </unitdate>", "date_type"=>"inclusive", 
"expression"=>"1921-1998.", "label"=>"creation"}], "external_documents"=>[], 
 "role"=>"creator", "relator"=>"creator", "terms"=>[]}, 
"role"=>"subject", "relator"=>"subject", "terms"=>[]}, 
"role"=>"subject", "relator"=>"subject", "terms"=>[]}], 
"import_previous_arks"=>[], "is_slug_auto"=>true, "restrictions"=>false, 
"revision_statements"=>[], "instances"=>[], "deaccessions"=>[], 
"related_accessions"=>[], "classifications"=>[], 
"notes"=>[{"jsonmodel_type"=>"note_singlepart", "content"=>["This collection 
consists of fifteen series, which include: Biographical Information; 
Associations, Societies, and Organizations; Awards and Honors; Personal Files; 
Consulting, Research, and General Correspondence - Domestic; Consulting, 
Research, and General Correspondence - Foreign; Lectures; Manuscripts; Patent 
Applications; Patent Information; Polytechnic Files; Reports; Chronological 
Correspondence; Othmer Images - Photographs, Negatives, and Slides; and 
Artifacts. The bulk of the paper archives is correspondence pertaining to 
issues of chemical engineering. His personal life is also represented, 
particularly in Series I and IV."], "import_context"=>"<abstract 
class=\"cdata\" encodinganalog=\"520$a\"> ... </abstract>", "type"=>"abstract", 
"publish"=>true}, {"jsonmodel_type"=>"note_multipart", 
"subnotes"=>[{"publish"=>true, "jsonmodel_type"=>"note_text", 
"content"=>"Othmer was born in Omaha, Nebraska on May 11, 1904. In 1927, he 
earned a Ph. D. in chemical engineering from the University of Michigan. In 
1932, he began a career as a professor for the Chemical Engineering Department 
of Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, where he remained until his death in 1995. 
He also consulted for hundreds of companies on numerous chemical engineering 
issues. He received over 150 patents worldwide. He invented the Othmer Still, a 
basic laboratory device for the determination of vapor-liquid equilibrium data. 
He collaborated with Dr. Raymond Kirk to create the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of 
Chemical Technology."}], "import_context"=>"<bioghist class=\"cdata\" 
encodinganalog=\"545\" id=\"a2\"> ... </bioghist>", "type"=>"bioghist", 
"persistent_id"=>"a2", "publish"=>true}, {"jsonmodel_type"=>"note_multipart", 
"subnotes"=>[{"publish"=>true, "jsonmodel_type"=>"note_text", 
"content"=>"Collection also includes furniture and unboxed artifacts."}], 
"import_context"=>"<odd class=\"cdata\" encodinganalog=\"500\" id=\"a5\"> ... 
</odd>", "type"=>"odd", "persistent_id"=>"a5", "publish"=>true}, 
{"jsonmodel_type"=>"note_multipart", "subnotes"=>[{"publish"=>true, 
"jsonmodel_type"=>"note_text", "content"=>"Othmer's patents, lectures, and 
manuscripts have been bound."}], "import_context"=>"<altformavail 
class=\"cdata\" encodinganalog=\"530\" id=\"a9\"> ... </altformavail>", 
"type"=>"altformavail", "persistent_id"=>"a9", "publish"=>true}, 
{"jsonmodel_type"=>"note_multipart", "subnotes"=>[{"publish"=>true, 
"jsonmodel_type"=>"note_text", "content"=>"The Donald F. Othmer Papers, Othmer 
Library of Chemical History, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania."}], "import_context"=>"<prefercite class=\"cdata\" 
encodinganalog=\"524\" id=\"a18\"> ... </prefercite>", "type"=>"prefercite", 
"persistent_id"=>"a18", "publish"=>true}, {"jsonmodel_type"=>"note_multipart", 
"subnotes"=>[{"publish"=>true, "jsonmodel_type"=>"note_text", 
"content"=>"Donald F. Othmer; Bequest; 1996."}], "import_context"=>"<acqinfo 
class=\"cdata\" encodinganalog=\"541\" id=\"a19\"> ... </acqinfo>", 
"type"=>"acqinfo", "persistent_id"=>"a19", "publish"=>true}, 
{"jsonmodel_type"=>"note_bibliography", "content"=>["Publications: Thackray, 
Arnold. and Crow, Amy Beth, eds. Donald Frederick and Mildred Topp Othmer: A 
Commemorative of Their Lives and Legacies. Philadelphia: Chemical Heritage 
Foundation, 1999."], "items"=>[], "import_context"=>"<bibliography 
class=\"cdata\" encodinganalog=\"581\" id=\"a11\"> ... </bibliography>", 
"persistent_id"=>"a11", "publish"=>true}, {"jsonmodel_type"=>"note_multipart", 
"subnotes"=>[{"publish"=>true, "jsonmodel_type"=>"note_text", 
"content"=>"Unpublished finding aid available."}], 
"import_context"=>"<otherfindaid class=\"cdata\" encodinganalog=\"555\" 
id=\"a8\"> ... </otherfindaid>", "type"=>"otherfindaid", "persistent_id"=>"a8", 
"publish"=>true}], "metadata_rights_declarations"=>[], 
 "publish"=>true, "finding_aid_language"=>"eng", "finding_aid_script"=>"Latn", 
"finding_aid_title"=>"Finding Aid toThe Donald F. Othmer Papers,<date 
encodinganalog=\"Date\">1921-1998.</date>", "finding_aid_author"=>"Finding aid 
prepared by MarcEdit", "finding_aid_language_note"=>"Finding aid written in 
English.", "level"=>"collection", "title"=>"The Donald F. Othmer Papers,"}>

In :

 &lt;ead class=&quot;cdata&quot;&gt; ... &lt;/ead&gt;


Sarah Newhouse   (she, her, hers)
Digital Preservation Archivist
Othmer Library of Chemical History
t. +1.215.873.8249

Science History Institute
Chemistry • Engineering • Life Sciences
315 Chestnut Street • Philadelphia, PA 19106 • U.S.A.
Learn about the scientific discoveries that changed our world at<>


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