

Registration is now open for the 43rd annual CO Interlibrary Loan conference.  
The conference is on April 26-27, 2012 at the Lory Student Center on the 
Colorado State University-Fort Collins campus.


We have a great line up of speakers this year.   Unshelved, a tried-and-true 
comedic group will deliver the keynote presentation.   They will start the day 
with some light hearted entertainment as they share stories about libraries 
that many of us can relate to.  Ebooks are still all the rage so we've lined up 
a couple programs that address a variety of Ebook issues from the academic, 
public and consortial perspectives.   Copyright is always a relevant topic to 
libraries; this year we will have a panel discussion between two leading 
experts in the field, one from a publisher/vendor the other from an academic 
non-profit setting.  Other great topics include library advocacy, latest trends 
in ILL, the union catalog experience and more.

And while you are at it, don't forget to reserve your hotel room.  We have a 
limited block of rooms at a discounted rate of $119 plus taxes,fees.

   to reserve a room at the Hilton hotel.

For more information about the conference see: http://coill.cvlsites.org/

We hope that you can join us this year for the 43rd annual Colorado 
Interlibrary Loan Conference!


The CO ILL conference planning committee

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