This year the Internet Governance Forum USA (IGF-USA) is excited to present a full day conference at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington DC on Thursday, July 14, 2016 from 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM.

Eventbrite registration required:

This year's IGF-USA will feature panels, keynotes, and plenaries discussing issues vital to the continued growth of the Internet and increasing its benefits for all. We invite you to take part in sharing ideas on connecting the unconnected, privacy vs. security online, balancing human rights and online content, improving broadband for everyone, and much more.

The IGF-USA is a multistakeholder effort to illuminate issues and cultivate constructive discussions about the future of the Internet. It provides a domestic forum in the US to engage civil society, government, technologists, research scientists, industry and academia, helping to create partnerships, coalitions and dialogues that demonstrate best practices and help move policy forward. Please join us for a full day of interactive, informative policy discussions on of the moment Internet governance issues.

Keynotes and panels feature thought leaders from civil society, industry, academia and government.

As always the IGF-USA 2016 will be host to interactive sessions with representatives from across the Internet community and is your opportunity to engage with an array of stakeholders on issues that matter to you and Internet governance as a whole.

For more information, please visit:

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