As announced on 10 February 2020, ARIN is implementing two new community-driven policy changes in the week of 30 March 2020. This implementation will require you to make changes to your scripts if you perform Detailed Reassignments or Reallocations using RESTful methods to SWIP. It will also change the ARIN Online workflow for Detailed Reassignments and Reallocations. ARIN has set up two designated test servers in our Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) Environment to allow you to test configuration changes and make sure your SWIPs can be processed after this implementation.

To try out the reassignment and reallocation changes in ARIN Online, access the OT&E server at and navigate to IP Addresses > Reassign Addresses to begin testing.

To test RESTful calls using the OT&E server, modify your RESTful commands to use the URL in place of Documentation for RESTful commands can be found here:

Please note that these changes also include changes to the way that email templates for Detailed Reassignments and Reallocations are processed. Testing for template changes is not available, but you can find links to the new templates and more information about template processing at

Additional information about these changes can be found on the blog post and announcement:

American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

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