This is a commercial view of the world; Part of the network here is a SDN 
network where we build layer-1 optical or layer-2 VPN with research 
organizations spread from Chicago and El Paso to Tokyo. I have no control over 
the equipment at the remote end; I don’t want to have to argue with a research 
team about how they ought to upgrade or run their equipment, I need the easiest 
way I can to setup BGP peering for a fragment of our address space without 
breaking the whole of routing for campus.

Yes, obtaining a 2-byte ASN was for the convenience of me not arguing with a 
network engineer in Tokyo, Qatar, or West, Texas about them upgrading their 
equipment because frankly, for my users, it’s all about the research and moving 
train-loads of data as quickly as possible.

Thank you
Richard Letts

From: [] On Behalf 
Of Owen DeLong
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 5:03 PM
To: Chris Woodfield <>
Subject: Re: [arin-ppml] ARIN 2-Byte ASN inventory and issuance

The harm is that this continued practice is hampering deployment of exchange 
point RS with artificial imposition of requirements for ASNs ≤65535 for no 
reason other than the convenience of operators who come to the exchange(s) with 
obsolete equipment or antiquated policies.


On Apr 11, 2016, at 15:25 , Chris Woodfield 
<<>> wrote:

I’ll note that there are some pretty substantial “ifs” in your statement there. 
Not all operators are in a position to satisfy those “ifs”.

Also, how is this behavior harmful? What operational issues arise from use of 
the backward-compatible mode here? Is it just a matter of not being able to see 
other ASNs with 23456 in path if you’re running in compatibility mode? If so, 
that’s not going to impact anyone but the operator itself (which IMO should be 
motivation enough to upgrade, but I don’t control those operator’s budgets).


On Apr 11, 2016, at 3:08 PM, Owen DeLong 
<<>> wrote:

On Apr 11, 2016, at 15:05 , Chris Woodfield 
<<>> wrote:

I’d argue that doing so ignores the fact that 2-byte vs 4-byte AS numbers (yes, 
I’m still using that terminology, so sue me) are handled fundamentally 
differently by the BGP protocol. As such, this isn’t a place where we can 
effectively boil the ocean and force providers to update their hardware via 

Actually, they aren’t treated at all differently if you are using the modern 
configuration options.

Sure, if you are continuing to use traditional communities, you are limited to 
low-order ASNs in the ASN portion of the community string.

Sure, there’s a certain amount of backwards-compatible handling of ASPATH 
management in modern routers and that code still gets occasionally exercised in 
interacting with ancient equipment still in operation.

However, if you have a configuration using extended communities and full 
support of modern ASNs enabled on your router, then all ASNs are treated as 
32-bit ASNs and there is no fundamental difference remaining.

There’s no attempt to boil the ocean and force providers. Merely an attempt to 
recognize that the days of treating them differently have, in fact, passed in 
most of the world and we shouldn’t be further enabling the harmful behavior of 
pretending otherwise.

If this is such a huge issue, why isn’t it coming up in the other RIRs?


As such, I’d far prefer that *as available* we continue to keep 2-byte ASNs in 
reserve for providers who can document their reasons for not being able to 
support having a 4-byte ASNs. Obviously there will be a day where those are all 
gone and then we’ll have no choice but to force operators to run compliant 

Note I’m making it clear that this isn’t just a matter of software; there’s 
quite a bit of gear out there on the internet that doesn’t have available 
software at all that supports 4-byte ASNs. And there are definitely operators 
that don’t have the budget to swap it out.

This isn’t a case of inefficiency, it’s simply the fact that many providers are 
stuck using old hardware. Given negligible cost to accommodate, I have no 
problem doing so.



On Apr 11, 2016, at 2:53 PM, Owen DeLong 
<<>> wrote:

On Apr 11, 2016, at 14:38 , John Curran 
<<>> wrote:

On Apr 11, 2016, at 5:06 PM, Owen DeLong 
<<>> wrote:

On Apr 11, 2016, at 12:24 , John Curran 
<<>> wrote:
Since parties coming to ARIN are distinguishing between these classes of 4-byte 
and come back explicitly asking for one ≤65535, are you suggesting that ARIN 
not hold
these lower ones to be able to satisfy such requests?


I believe that we, more than any other region, have been lazy in our adoption 
of current internet technologies to the detriment of the internet at large.

I believe that continuing to facilitate this is not providing a useful service 
to the internet as a whole.

Just to be clear, you feel that ARIN registry policy which rapidly depletes the
lower range of 4-byte ASNs would be technically sound and facilitate fair and
impartial number resource administration?

No. I believe that ARIN registry policy which ignores any previous distinction
between ASNs ≤65535 and ASNs ≥65536 is harmful. I believe that a policy which
makes no distinction and hands them out as if they were a single pool of 32-bit
numbers is in the best interests of the community.

At some point there will no longer be available ASNs ≤65535. So be it. That
date should neither be accelerated nor decelerated by ARIN policy.

It would be helpful if you could explain how in some detail, given that there
appears to be sufficient number of lower range 4-byte ASNs for those who
require such for their operations, and further that the supply appears to be
sufficient for quite some time (potentially till there is greater acceptance
and far fewer hurdles with the use of higher range 4-byte ASNs…)

So far, I haven’t seen so much a requirement as a convenience request for those
lower numbers.


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