On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 10:33:45PM -0800, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
> In message <b41dbcea-276f-4e5a-8b7d-68cff4b94...@arin.net>, 
> John Curran <jcur...@arin.net> wrote:
> >If you wish complete transparency regarding fraudulent requests, that can
> >be accommodated, but first requires the community to come to consensus that
> >requests for number resource activities (issuance/transfers/updates) should
> >be made publicly.   To my knowledge, there has been no proposal or
> >discussion of this stance within the ARIN community.
> Well, I don't seriously expect this to actually go anywhere, and I don't
> know -any- of the proper formalities or mechanics of how to do this, but
> yes, I would like to put forward a proposal, at this time, that all number
> resource activities (issuance/transfers/updates) should be made a matter
> of public record at the time of their occurrence.... if they are not so
> already.

Note that John said "requests". All the activities you list are completed
actions, which of course are recorded and public.
> I see no downside to getting the facts out on the table, and then allowing
> the chips to fall where they may.  None of these alleged suspect actions
> or activities were carried out either in back rooms or in dark alleys.
> Rather, they were undertaken on the public Internet for all to see.  How
> then, John, can you now claim that they are subject to some sort of non-
> existant and never-before-seen kind of confidentiality privilege?

ARIN has long provided NDAs (cf https://www.arin.net/resources/agreements/)
to cover (among many other things) justification data that is commonly
considered confidential matters for businesses. Off the top of my head,
business plans/projections/territory expansion, customer/usage data, 
infrastructure detail, etc.

IMO you're aiming your guns in the wrong direction.


Joe, speaking for himself only

Posted from my personal account - see X-Disclaimer header.
Joe Provo / Gweep / Earthling 
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