On 4/18/2020 9:40 AM, hostmas...@uneedus.com wrote:
I look at it this way:

An ISP with only a /24 of IPv4 space only has 254 addresses to hand out to its customers.  If they receive a /40 of IPv6 space, they can assign up to 256 /48's to its customers, almost an exact match. Someone with so little IPv4 either has few customers or is using CGnat.

Something needs to be done to stop that $250 to $500 increase for accepting IPv6 in this population, as the facts seem to show that these businesses are simply rejecting the future (IPv6) simply because of the current ARIN fee schedule. The provided data clearly show the majority are rejecting IPv6, likely because of the fees.  The population is so small that if there is a question as to why, why not drop them an email and ask?

I would have no problem instead simply giving this population a /36 or even a /32 at the same $250 price, simply because I think the goal of universal IPv6 is worth it.

I support this /40 policy simply because it addresses the identifed issue.

I would also support other ideas, such as going ahead and giving them the /36 and waving the price increase.

I also would not have a problem changing the fee schedule to be based solely on IPv4, or in the alternative maybe not considering IPv6 holdings at all in the fee schedule unless they exceed a /32, since a /32 is effectively the default for ISP members.

I realize that this would effectively make those with no IPv4 holdings fit in most cases into the 3x small bucket.

In the end, if we allow /40's, I have no problem allowing those above 3X Small to use them, even though they would be able to receive more under the fee schedules.  I am no understanding as to why they would want a smaller allocation, but who am I to question such a decision of others.

How many members of ARIN have no IPv4 holdings, but instead have only IPv6?

There are a number of organizations which only have IPv6.  Likely because they are legacy organizations and their IPv4 is held as legacy and their IPv6 is held in a different org-id.  Slide 9 & 10 from this presentation from the last meeting has some details about the number of orgs with various holdings.


Hope this helps,


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