Hi Chris,


I guess you missed this at the end of my previous email:


https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-palet-v6ops-rfc6177-bis-02. I need to update 









El 19/4/20 21:32, "ARIN-PPML en nombre de Chris Woodfield" 
<arin-ppml-boun...@arin.net en nombre de ch...@semihuman.com> escribió:


I’ll admit to having skimmed some of this thread, so apologies in advance if 
I've missed prior discussion of the point below.


The guidance against assigning /48s by default described in RFC6177 made sense 
at the time, particularly for an individual residential subscriber site, given 
the assumption that a residential site would rarely, if ever, have a second 
layer of L3 forwarding beyond the broadband router - that is, each /64 within 
the customer’s allocation would be attached to the edge gateway (i.e. multiple 
VLANs, WiFi SSIDs with L3 separation, etc.) In that world, allowing 65K unique 
/64s gateways to exist on a home broadband router was rightly seen as 
unnecessarily wasteful, regardless of sparse addressing design patterns. As is, 
even the 256 /64 prefixes in the /56 I can route to my broadband edge device 
seems like overkill, and I’d like to think I’m much savvier than the typical 
residential subscriber :)


That said, RFC8273, published 6 years after 6177, now recommends that instead 
of assigning individual /128s to hosts within a shared /64, prefix delegation 
should be utilized instead to assign a /64 *per host* by default within an IPv6 
network. This practice unlocks the ability for any end host to become a 
downstream “virtual” L3 router, allowing individually addressed software 
components to be uniquely addressed within a host (obvious candidates here 
would be virtual machines and docker containers, but also individual servers or 
clients living on the host), all numbered from a /64 with a known physical* 
location for policy/security purposes.


Given this recommendation, I believe it absolutely makes sense now to 
standardize as best practice the default assignment of a /48 to even 
residential subscribers, given that IETF-codified best practices now recommend 
exactly that two-layer routing model that the lack of which provided the 
original justification for RFC6177. 


(Side note: Happy to work with any interested parties on a new RFC re-codifying 
the recommendations from RFC3177, informed by 8273, and obsoleting 6177 given 
the above).






*Yes, I’m aware the host itself could be virtual as well. Turtles all the way 
down, folks.

On Apr 19, 2020, at 10:28 AM, John Santos <j...@egh.com> wrote:


Policy should not prohibit doing what many regard as best practice.  Just 
because SOME ISPs might find a /48 unnecessarily large doesn't mean that ALL 
will, or that the recommendation of a /48 is always WRONG and that nano-ISPs 
should be punished (financially) for doing so.

There is obviously a huge scaling issue with fees, when a giant ISP is paying 
less than a penny per year for addresses and a very small ISP is paying close 
to a dollar per year, but I don't think we can fix that with policy.  But we 
can make it less worse by allowing the tiniest ISPs to allocate what they need 
and not orders of magnitude more than they need at exponentially larger cost.

Is there any way to ensure that an ISP requesting a /40 has fewer than 250 
customers, so they can assign each a /48 in order to be eligible for the 
smallest allocation at commensurate cost with a /24 of IPv4?

On 4/19/2020 11:33 AM, Fernando Frediani wrote:

On 19/04/2020 05:07, Owen DeLong wrote:


Right… IETF designed a good architecture and then came under pressure from a 
bunch of people with an IPv4 mindset and given the modern state of the IETF 
decided to just punt on the whole thing rather than waste more time on an 
argument where people were determined to do what they were going to do anyway. 
RFC 6177 is more of a cop-out than a legitimate standards document.

We cannot just choose the RFCs we will follow from those we like and disregard 
those which we don't. Imagine if vendors start to do the same !

Since it correctly (in my view) does putting that /48 for residential customers 
should be treated as an exception therefore no RIRs should have to adapt their 
policies to it. If ISPs assign /48 to these customers in exceptional basis (not 
as default) then they would have less or none of of the problems discussed here.



There’s absolutely noting in RFC6177 that says /48s should not be given out to 
residential customers. It punts it to the operational community and says it 
really shouldn’t

be up to the IETF. That’s generally true, but that does come with a 
responsibility that the operational community doesn’t arbitrarily create 
negative impacts without good


One of the main points of the document, if not the most, is that /48 is no 
longer the default and not recommended as well. Therefore if it still possible 
to assign to a residential customer it should then be considered an exception 
not a normal thing as the others.
Let me quote an important part of it within section 2: "Hence, it is strongly 
intended that even home sites be given multiple subnets worth of space, by 
default.  Hence, this document still recommends giving home sites significantly 
more than a single /64, but does not recommend that every home site be given a 
/48 either."

Furthermore at the time of the write of the document it also mentions: "Since 
revised the end site assignment policy to encourage the assignment of smaller 
(i.e., /56) blocks to end sites.". Although some of these might have been 
retired in their manuals it is possible to notice the spirit of  the change 
RFC6177 brings, and is still valid.


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John Santos
Evans Griffiths & Hart, Inc.
781-861-0670 ext 539
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