I fully support this policy, 

lot of parties suffered from this, months of planning went in the drain.

Hayee Bokhari
514-341-1579 Ex 212
800-427-6012 Ex 212

>On 19 March 2020, the ARIN Advisory Council (AC) accepted 
>"ARIN-prop-282: Grandfathering of Organizations Removed from Waitlist by 
>Implementation of ARIN-2019-16" as a Draft Policy.
>Draft Policy ARIN-2020-2 is below and can be found at:
>You are encouraged to discuss all Draft Policies on PPML. The AC will 
>evaluate the discussion in order to assess the conformance of this draft 
>policy with ARIN's Principles of Internet number resource policy as 
>stated in the Policy Development Process (PDP). Specifically, these 
>principles are:
>* Enabling Fair and Impartial Number Resource Administration
>* Technically Sound
>* Supported by the Community
>The PDP can be found at:
>Draft Policies and Proposals under discussion can be found at:
>Sean Hopkins
>Policy Analyst
>American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
>Draft Policy ARIN-2020-2: Grandfathering of Organizations Removed from 
>Waitlist by Implementation of ARIN-2019-16
>Problem Statement:
>The implementation of the ARIN-2019-16 Advisory Council Recommendation 
>Regarding NRPM 4.1.8: Unmet Requests caused some organizations to be 
>removed from the waiting list that were approved under the old policy’s 
>eligibility criteria. These organizations should have been grandfathered 
>when the waitlist was reopened to allow them to receive an allocation of 
>IPv4 up to the new policy’s maximum size constraint of a /22.
>Policy Statement: Update NRPM Section 4.1.8 as follows:
>Add section (temporary language in the NRPM to remain until the 
>policy objective is achieved)
>Restoring organizations to the waitlist
>ARIN will restore organizations that were removed from the waitlist at 
>the adoption of ARIN-2019-16 to their previous position if their total 
>holdings of IPv4 address space amounts to a /18 or less. The maximum 
>size aggregate that a reinstated organization may qualify for is a /22.
>All restored organizations extend their 2 year approval by [number of 
>months between July 2019 and implementation of new policy]. Any requests 
>met through a transfer will be considered fulfilled and removed from the 
>waiting list.
>Timetable for implementation: Immediate
>Anything Else: While attending ARIN 44 and discussing this with other 
>community members the vast majority indicated that they agreed that some 
>organizations were treated unfairly. This proposal is a remedy.
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