I am not sure exactly about RIPE but any court must take in consideration that the RIR policies must apply for the "buyer" to have the right to register it. Since in most RIRs the golden rule is (and must keep being) be able to justify for the addresses being received (either via a donation or a purchase).

Nobody should ever be able to come to the RIR and say: "Register it because I paid for". The community who is the one that matters and make the rules is interested the addresses being transferred are going be really used for its final propose and get people connected to the internet, therefore it has a justification and not less important to be fair with all others. Just having the right to register addresses because it paid for it doesn't make sense and should be opposed as much as possible by all RIRs.

Thankfully RIPE seems to go in that direction when they say in the statement: "/Finally, it’s worth noting that each order will be reviewed on a case by case basis. If we believe that an order or the third party seeking to enforce the order does not comply with RIPE policies or RIPE NCC procedures, we reserve the right to dispute any transfer./"

My understanding is that ARIN should only obey orders from a court in the country it is registered, as other RIRs and other organizations.


On 05/10/2020 11:38, Mike Burns wrote:

Hello List,

https://labs.ripe.net/Members/ciaran_byrne/seizure-of-the-right-to-registration-of-ipv4-addresses <https://labs.ripe.net/Members/ciaran_byrne/seizure-of-the-right-to-registration-of-ipv4-addresses>

RIPE has enforced a court order regarding an IPv4 transfer where a buyer who had paid for the addresses and complied with RIPE policies sought court protection of his right to register those addresses.

Note that this is not an ownership right but still a right that can be court-enforced, in Europe at least.

It has always been my understanding that ARIN would enforce a court order that it deemed legally sound.

I like the idea that a buyer’s rights can be protected in a court action and that ARIN would abide by any court order demanding registration.

My question is whether ARIN would accept a valid court order from any country in the ARIN region, in the manner in which the German court’s order was enforced in the Netherlands, where RIPE is registered.

(Assuming the hypothetical is a buyer with a valid contract specifying a transfer according to ARIN policy, and that the buyer received a valid court order from their jurisdiction requiring registration.)

And what if the seller did not get paid after a transfer, and a court order was issued to return the registration rights to the seller, would ARIN be able to effect that return to the seller given policy requiring a demonstration of need, and despite the seller having participated in transfers within the prior year?

Can we simply assume that the legal structures within which ARIN operates supersede any ARIN policy restrictions?

Not sure if this is better on arin-discuss list, so I will post there as well.

In IPv4 transfers, escrow is normally used, but if simple court-protections are a viable recourse to settle disputes, it may be that escrow services are less a requirement for a safe transfer.

Mike Burns


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