On Tue, Mar 09, 2021 at 03:45:31PM -0500, ARIN wrote:
> On 18 February 2021, the ARIN Advisory Council (AC) advanced the following 
> Draft Policy to Recommended Draft Policy status:
> * ARIN-2020-8: Clarify and Update Annual Renewal Fee
> The text of the Recommended Draft Policy is below, and may also be found at:
> https://www.arin.net/participate/policy/drafts/2020_8/'

Hey folks,

<AC Shepherd hat>

This will be presented at the PPM as a recommended policy - if there's
any thoughts folks want to get out in front of the community ahead of
the meeting, here's the thread... 

</AC Shepherd hat>



Posted from my personal account - see X-Disclaimer header.
Joe Provo / Gweep / Earthling 
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