Hi John,


Those were discrete, non-controversial and easily digestible suggestions, but 
this situation is much larger in scope and difficulty, IMO. Rather than a 
single comment, this issue needs public debate IMO.





From: ARIN-PPML <arin-ppml-boun...@arin.net> On Behalf Of John Curran
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2021 4:49 PM
To: Martin J Hannigan <hanni...@gmail.com>
Cc: arin-ppml@arin.net
Subject: Re: [arin-ppml] ARIN Announces the Final Slate of Candidates for the 
2021 ARIN Elections


Marty -  


To be clear, two of those suggestions directly led to changes similar to those 
requested (changes to ARIN Board of Trustee agenda and minutes practices, and 
inclusion of a non-incumbent on Board of Trustee election slates.) – i.e. the 
ASCP process does result in suggestions being considered by the Board of 
Trustees, and can often result in change.





John Curran

President and CEO

American Registry for Internet Numbers


On 19 Oct 2021, at 3:44 PM, Martin Hannigan <hanni...@gmail.com 
<mailto:hanni...@gmail.com> > wrote:




Hi John,


Doesn't seem suitable for the ASCP based on these responses:







The ASCP seems most suitable for website improvements.


Warm regards,






On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 2:45 PM John Curran <jcur...@arin.net 
<mailto:jcur...@arin.net> > wrote:

On 19 Oct 2021, at 2:07 PM, Mike Burns <m...@iptrading.com 
<mailto:m...@iptrading.com> > wrote:


I would also like to move forward. 

How are such changes made, do we just hope the Board is floating above, 
listening and maybe acting?

Or is there a more formal process involved in governance process changes?


Mike - 


As I noted previously - 


To that end, I would strongly advise that immediately after this election 
completes you submit whatever suggestions you have for improvement of ARIN's 
elections to the ARIN suggestion and consultation process 
<https://www.arin.net/participate/community/acsp/process/> so that they get 
formal consideration. 





John Curran

President and CEO

American Registry for Internet Numbers


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