On 18/03/2022 11:52, Mike Burns wrote:

The primary value of the leasing company is that they are allowing the effective financing of Ipv4 address space through the taking-on of risk in the initial investment.  Currently there is no vehicle for this, and the result is that smaller, newer, less-capitalized companies are required to pay in full, up-front, for address blocks.

That's the repeated history brokers have been trying to tell organizations that have been facing challenges regarding IPv4 exhaustion either because they are new in the sector or most commonly because they didn't bother to take any other measures to deal with the new standard. Even newcomers have how to have access to some amounts to work with without needing to lease them from an organization who don't have justification to keep those addresses. And still brokers who have been facilitating IP leasing play the good guys as if there was not other options and we as a community who define the rules would have to accept it and change the current rules for their own benefit, not the community.

The reality is the IP Leasing increase costs for all (either those who lease or transfer), eliminates accountability, increases unfainess and still the history if that leasing comes save those "poor less capable ones".

This "vehicle" expensive and unnecessary and there are options available that not necessarily imposes worsening the whole system for few people benefits.


Unless they lease them from the only allowed lessors (per current policy), that is the IPv4-rich incumbent owners.

So if you want to support the little guy, I think you should support this policy, but if you want to protect those who received address in the past that they no longer need, then you should oppose this policy.

There are many other values the leasing company provides, values stemming from skills related to reputation, location, hijacking, recovery, and the pre-identification of scammers/spammers, and values related to the provision of addresses for temporary or seasonal use, or to enter markets aggressively which may or may not pay off. As the market matures, more value will no doubt be driven by competition. Things like lease-to-own options, highly efficient web or app-based access to lessors and lessees, these are some things that spring to my mind as capabilities to distinguish leasing companies from RIRs so as to provide the value that the market requires. If there were no value provided, why would anybody utilize their services?



*From:* ARIN-PPML <arin-ppml-boun...@arin.net> *On Behalf Of *Holden Karau
*Sent:* Thursday, March 17, 2022 7:29 PM
*To:* andrew....@quark.net
*Cc:* arin-ppml <arin-ppml@arin.net>
*Subject:* Re: [arin-ppml] Revised and Retitled - Draft Policy ARIN-2021-6: Permit IPv4 Leased Addresses for Purposes of Determining Utilization for Future Allocations

Wait so some company could come to ARIN and ask for a block of IP addresses using leasing as the justification and then turn around and lease them.

What value is the leasing company providing? It seems like a solid way to get a bunch of LLCs formed to acquire IP addresses from the waiting list and then make money for doing ~nothing.

On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 4:18 PM Andrew Dul <andrew....@quark.net> wrote:

    The draft policy as currently written does not provide any
    additional limits against speculation.  As drafted, it allows any
    organization (including those who do not operate networks) to
    obtain IPv4 addresses for the purpose of leasing.

    With that policy change what types of limits does the community
    think would be needed?



    On 3/17/2022 3:00 PM, Scott Leibrand wrote:

        +1 to both Owen and David Farmer's comments. Leasing IPv4
        space is likely the best solution for some networks that need
        those addresses to operate their network. If an organization
        wants to acquire and lease out IPv4 space without providing
        bundled IPv4 transit, that should be allowed by policy. It
        might be useful for ARIN policy to try to slightly dampen
        speculation by requiring that organizations seeking to acquire
        large blocks of IPv4 space demonstrate that their current
        holdings are being efficiently used by the organization
        they're registered to in whois. I am not sure if this policy
        proposal does that to my satisfaction, but once we ensure it
        does so, I would likely support it.


        On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 1:33 PM Owen DeLong via ARIN-PPML
        <arin-ppml@arin.net> wrote:

                On Mar 16, 2022, at 15:22 , Fernando Frediani
                <fhfredi...@gmail.com> wrote:

                Hi David

                If I understand correctly you seem to have a view that
                there should be a ARIN policy to permit IPv4 leasing
                just because it is a reality and we kind of have to
                accept it in our days. No we don't, and that's for
                many different reasons.

            Well, of course, you are free to deny reality as much as
            you want. Many people do. It’s not particularly helpful in
            the discussion, however.

                I am used to see people saying the brokers are doing a
                good thing for the community by facilitating the
                things which in reality is the opposite. It may look
                like a good things, but the real beneficiaries are
                only them who profit from it without much concern of
                what is fair or not to most organizations involved.

            You are actually mistaken here. I used to think as you do,
            actually. I was very resistant to the first “specified
            transfer” policies because of some of the reasons you
            describe. However, what you are failing to recognize is that:

            + Brokers and specified transfers were going to happen
            with or without the RIRs. If they happened without the RIRs,

            there’d be no accurate record of who was using which
            address space and the provenance of addresses would be

            very difficult to support or defend.

            * Benefit to the community from brokers: (ethical) brokers
            are familiar with the rules in the RIRs in which

            they operate and can assist their customers in accurate
            and compliant registration updates and

            aid in keeping the allocation database(s) accurate.

            + With the economic realities of IPv4 addresses becoming
            progressively more and more expensive and the advent

            of ISPs with limited IPv4 resources available, it is
            inevitable that more and more IP service providers will be

            doing one or more of the following:

            + Separate surcharges for IPv4 addresses

            + Expecting customers to supply their own IPv4 addresses

            + Surcharges for IPv4 services

            + IPv4 “installation charges” large enough to cover the
            procurement of addresses

            * Brokers assist ISPs and customers in many of the above

            + With a variety of organizations holding IPv4 addresses
            that may or may not even known they have them and whose

            IPv4 resources may vastly exceed their needs, it is
            (arguably) desirable to have those addresses be
            transferred to parties

            that have current need for IPv4 addresses.

            * Brokers provide a valuable service to the community
            identifying and marketing these resources

            * Paid transfers provide an incentive for entities to make
            more efficient use of the resources they have in order

            to monetize the resources they no longer need. Brokers are
            frequently able to assist in this process.

            + With the high cost of acquisition, IPv4 addresses have
            become a capital intensive part of any network-dependent

            business model that must support IPv4. Further, there is
            some risk that this capital outlay may be fore a resource

            which will abruptly and quickly lose its value and no
            longer be needed well before it can be amortized as a capital

            expenditure. As such, it may make sense for some entities
            to transfer that risk to another organization by using

            a lease structure instead of purchasing the addresses

            * Brokers that provide IPv4 leasing in an ethical and
            policy compliant way provide a valuable service

            to these businesses. Yes, their price per address may
            eventually be more than it would have cost

            them to purchase the addresses, but the same is true of
            virtually any rental situation.  On the other hand,

            that excess helps offset the risk that the lessor is
            taking by owning a resource that may or may not remain

            valuable and may or may not continue to produce revenue.

                IP Leasing is very different from IP Transfer which I
                see not problem they continue doing it. IP Transfer at
                least we have some guarantees that the directly
                receiving organization really justify for them and
                that is a quiet important (I would say fundamental)
                point to look at, because that is fairer to everyone
                involved. What guarantees we have when a IP Leasing is
                done in that sense, that fairness start to lack here.

            If we set the policies up correctly, we should have the
            same exact guarantees on a lease.

            If $ISP acquires a /10 through transfer and then issues
            various subordinate prefixes to their customer, the only

            you have that $ISP’s customers who receive the addresses
            really justify them is that $ISP says so. We generally
            trust $ISP

            to act in good faith.

            If $LESSOR acquires a /10 through transfer and then leases
            various subordinate prefixes to their customers, we have

            much the same guarantee with the additional bit that
            $CUSTOMER is at least willing to pay enough for the
            addresses to $LESSOR

            to make the lease make sense. In general, I think it is
            somewhat safe to assume that $CUSTOMER is not going to make a

            monthly recurring payment to $LESSOR for something they
            don’t intend to use. If one’s intent is to deprive the
            market and

            inflate the price, then the risk profile for such a
            transaction is vastly more favorable if you purchase
            rather than lease.

            Sure, there could be lessors that don’t get reasonable
            justification for allocations from their customers, but
            there are most

            certainly ISPs in that category as well. Either way,
            you’ve got very little assurance. A lessor can provide
            just as much

            justification to an RIR for the addresses they will
            allocate to leases as an ISP can for addresses they will
            lease to their

            customers. The only difference is a lease with
            connectivity from the same company or a lease from a
            company other than

            the one(s) providing connectivity.

                People see the brokers are doing a favor to
                organizations in general by facilitating they get some
                chunks of IPv4, but that in reality makes the cost of
                IPv4 for both leasing and transfer more and more
                expensive as it makes organization even more dependent
                from these those crumbs that seem to be offered with
                good intention but in reality it is feeding a system
                that is contrary the interests to most organizations

            Just as you are free to mount, balance, and rotate your
            own tires, or, you can go to a tire store and have them
            perform that service for a fee, brokers provide a service
            for a fee. If you want to obtain addresses in the transfer
            market without a broker, you’re still free to do that.
            Brokers are not driving the cost of IPv4… The scarcity and
            difficulty of operating with IPv4 is driving the cost of
            IPv4. Brokers are along for the ride providing a service
            and collecting a fee for that service. Whether that fee is
            reasonable or not is (and should be) entirely in the eye
            of the customer. Customers are always free to walk away
            and find a different supplier or look for their addresses

                It may sound a cliche but IPv4 is over and
                organizations must learn how to survive with what they
                have, reinvent themselves and make better used of
                their IPv4 resources, deploy a proper CGNAT, deploy
                IPv6 either they like it or not, etc. If an
                organization have so little or none and need some
                minimal amount is fine they seek for a Transfer of a
                minimal amount with the help of brokers.

            I agree. However, the increasing cost of IPv4 is a natural
            and organic part of that process and sticking our heads in
            the sand and pretending that it is not the economic
            reality of how the current world works will not help
            anyone. Not the community, not organizations that are
            short on IPv4 resources, and not the RIRs who are only
            useful so long as their databases provide a reasonably
            accurate reflection of the actual utilization of the
            address space and who controls it.

            A broker is an LIR just like an ISP. Since ISPs are now
            charging for addresses independent of connectivity and
            bandwidth, it only makes sense that customers can shop for
            them separately from different suppliers. Just like you
            can buy tires for your car from the dealership or from
            some other store that sells and supports tires, IPv4
            addresses are moving that way as well. The RIRs can either
            recognize this and adapt to it with policies that make
            sense and preserve some of the things you’ve outlined as
            concerns above, or, they can simply deny the reality of
            IPv4 leasing and lose track of how addresses are actually
            managed for some significant chunks of the internet.

                Encouraging IP Leasing as if it were something normal
                just "because it exists today" is a shot in the foot
                that in the long term only worsens the existing
                scenario, it feeds a market without much discretion
                increasing final prices for everyone and what is the
                worst of all, creates even more unfairness for
                everyone who has always submitted to the rules we have
                until today for distributing addresses to those who
                really have a real justification to keep control of
                that resource that does not belong to them.

            I don’t believe that a policy that merely allows IPv4
            leasing can be said to encourage it. Rather, it permits
            it, recognizes that it exists and is not going to stop
            existing just because policy pretends it can’t exist.

            The market is not likely to be significantly swayed by
            policy in terms of pricing, with the exception that
            AFRINIC has been able to preserve a devalued price on
            addresses within their region due to their restrictive
            lack of a transfer policy for moving addresses to/from
            AFRINIC. However, while this has the effect of keeping
            AFRINIC IPv4 addresses less expensive on the open market,
            it also leads to a significant amount of utilization of
            those addresses outside of policy and quite a bit of
            hoarding of addresses by some of AFRINIC’s largest
            members. ARIN’s counsel has advised against naming names
            here, so I won’t, but if you want names, contact me off list.



                On 16/03/2022 13:09, David Farmer via ARIN-PPML wrote:

                    Yes, bundling IPv4 addresses with bandwidth is
                    permitted, and in the past was common
                    practice, heck even the expected practice.
                    However, the fact that IPv4 address demand isn't
                    decreasing significantly, the costs to acquire new
                    IPv4 addresses are increasing significantly, and
                    with the increasing commoditization of bandwidth,
                    it is no longer economically viable to bundle
                    bandwidth, and its associated connectivity, with
                    IPv4 addressing. This is driving a structural
                    separation of bandwidth, connectivity, and IPv4
                    addressing, from each other, instead of bundling
                    them together as in the past.

                    Let me state that differently; ISPs are being
                    driven, buy cost conscience consumers, to
                    separate the costs of bandwidth and the costs of
                    the IPv4 addresses needed to utilize the bandwidth
                    from each other. Minimally this separation is
                    achieved by accounting for the costs on
                    separate line items of a common bill from a single
                    provider. However, price competition for bandwidth
                    and IPv4 addresses separately will inevitably
                    drive a structural separation between the two.
                    Consumers will want the best price they can get
                    for bandwidth and the best price they can get for
                    IPv4 addresses, regardless of whether they come
                    from a single provider or not.

                    Some may argue this is being driven by the
                    existence of address brokers, and their desire to
                    make money, I disagree. While address brokers
                    making money is the grease that keeps this machine
                    working, the need for the machine is driven by;
                    IPv4 free pool exhaustion, the increasing cost of
                    IPv4 addresses, and the lack of adoption of IPv6.

                    In other words, address brokers wouldn't exist if
                    there wasn't a demand for their services.

                    In short, the economic conditions that allowed for
                    and even encouraged the bundling of IPv4 addresses
                    with bandwidth and connectivity no longer
                    exist, that world is gone. While I have not
                    personally yet determined if I support this
                    particular policy text, nevertheless, the time has
                    come to recognize the next step in this
                    inextricable evolution of IPv4 address policy by
                    the ARIN policy community and permit IPv4 leasing.


                    On Fri, Mar 11, 2022 at 5:05 PM John Santos
                    <j...@egh.com> wrote:

                        I disagree. The addresses are useless unless
                        they ALSO purchase access and
                        routing from another network operator.  How is
                        this cheaper?

                        It is and always has been allowed to lease
                        bundled access of addresses and
                        connectivity from a LIR, without any expense
                        for purchasing those addresses.

                        On 3/11/2022 12:13 PM, Tom Fantacone wrote:
                        > I support the proposal as written.
                        > It facilitates the provision of a valuable
                        service to a large swath of the ARIN
                        > community, namely the ability of network
                        operators with an operational need to
                        > lease IPv4 addresses from 3rd party lessors
                        at a fraction of the cost of
                        > purchasing those addresses.  Too often we
                        have seen network operators justify
                        > their need for IPv4 space only to find that
                        they can't afford to make the
                        > purchase.  They end up using CGNAT or some
                        other sub-optimal solution.
                        > Bill, regarding your point "B", by providing
                        IPv4 leasing, these 3rd parties are
                        > certainly performing a function that ARIN
                        does not.
                        > ---- On Thu, 10 Mar 2022 17:46:36 -0500
                        *William Herrin <b...@herrin.us>* wrote ----
                        >     On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 8:24 PM ARIN
                        <i...@arin.net <mailto:i...@arin.net>>
                        >     wrote:
                        >      > * ARIN-2021-6: Permit IPv4 Leased
                        Addresses for Purposes of Determining
                        >     Utilization for Future Allocations
                        >     I continue to OPPOSE this proposal because:
                        >     A) It asks ARIN to facilitate blatant
                        and unapologetic rent-seeking
                        >     behavior with changes to public policy.
                        >     B) It proposes that third parties
                        perform precisely and only the
                        >     functions that ARIN itself performs
                        without any credible compliance
                        >     mechanism to assure the third party
                        performs to ARIN's standards or in
                        >     accordance with the community's
                        established number policy.
                        >     Regards,
                        >     Bill Herrin
                        >     --
                        >     William Herrin
                        > b...@herrin.us <mailto:b...@herrin.us>
                        https://bill.herrin.us/ <https://bill.herrin.us/>
                        >  _______________________________________________
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-- John Santos
                        Evans Griffiths & Hart, Inc.
                        781-861-0670 ext 539
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                    David Farmer Email:far...@umn.edu
                    Networking & Telecommunication Services
                    Office of Information Technology
                    University of Minnesota
                    2218 University Ave SE Phone: 612-626-0815
                    Minneapolis, MN 55414-3029   Cell: 612-812-9952



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