So, as mentioned in my list-message "Sorry to Luke (and others)", I have some questions. This message is just to give context for the questions.

   The questions are regarding the campaign on "Crowd Supply".


   But from a private reply from Luke (quoted next below), I guess that we have 
SOME more time.

I will number the "e"mails of questions, as to priority for me deciding whether and what to back, with #1 as top priority for me. (This is not to be pushy, just to inform you what can most help me personally.)

(Actually, now I am thinking to buy the printed lap-top kit, plus the desk-top housing, plus the stand-alone, plus one or more libre-tea cards, plus the break-out board, plus the pass-through card.)

(By the capitals, I did not mean to "shout". I just meant "emphasis". Do you prefer "emphasis" be marked not by capitals but rather *thus* or _thus_?)

(Quotes below, might have minor changes, and might have additions enclosed by {}, and ~ for omissions.)

On 16.8.26 12:11, lkcl . <> wrote:
On ~, {8th month}~ 26, 2016 at 6:33 PM, Crowd Supply <> 
wrote: submitted a question about your project,
"Earth-friendly EOMA68 Computing Devices":


    It looks like I only have a few hours left if I wish to order now.
    (My 3 questions are numbered below.)
    (1) Can I order, after your campaign ends in a few hours?  If I had AT LEAST
another day for deciding on purchasing, that would help me to make a wise

  yes you can.  i'll be doing a lot of preparation over the next few
weeks so you have time.

    I am now thinking of ordering your libre "tea"-card (65.00), and the
lap-top-kit (500.00).




On 16.9.2 8:49, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> ---
> crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware:
> On ~, {9th month}~ 2, 2016 at 6:43 AM,  <> wrote:
>>     Sorry, Luke, for the "shower" of private "e"mails today.
>   that's ok - i was fine answering up to a point but then realised that
> the answers i was giving would benefit a lot of other people.  and
> that some i had already answered (dozens of times) so other people
> would be able to answer them (saving me some time).  so, please
> re-send them.
> l.

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