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On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 3:20 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
<l...@lkcl.net> wrote:

>> I ask because the 300 seconds uptime rings
>> a bell, maybe not relevant, but suspicious at least. The kernel was
>> (maybe still is) initializing the timer (if I remember correctly) subsystem
>> 5 minutes before wraparound, just so it is easier to catch bugs, by making
>> those wraparound bugs easier triggerable...
>  ok so it might be a simple matter of putting the right "thing" into
> the dtb or something.  i was using the cubieboard2 dtb (which may not
> actually be properly up-to-date).

 oh... one thing that may be keely relevant: there's no RTC on the
EOMA68-A20 board.  as in: the normal place where the kernel would get
"time" from would be a battery-backed AXP209.  in this case, however,
it's powered from "cold".

 so it's actually quite likely to be a major bug that has simply had
insufficient coverage to expose it.


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