On Mon, 2016-10-10 at 12:50 +0000, joem wrote:
> On Mon, 2016-10-10 at 07:26 +0100, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> > i can't quite believe that i'm having to route my vpn access over an
> > ssh tunnel in order to then put HTTP proxy over the VPN in order to
> > get frickin internet access to my email and anything at all.
> > 
> > the IP address of my server has been blocked *not* by the china
> > government but by the cisco equipment where i'm currently located...
> > 
> > ... which is in the lobby of allwinner's headquarters in zhuhai :)
> > 
> > well done cisco! :)
> Careful --- the great firewall of CN does not like VPNs and ssh tunnels
> and would block the IP address which means Allwinner's IP addresss if it
> keeps repeating the problems. So you can imagine the engineers or the
> ISP just turned it all off to help prevent a future problem. You can pop
> into HK for all your internet for a day, or get all your files
> transferred to SSD and carry one of those around.
> Also, instead of ssh, try ftp and telnet, and protocols over port 80, it
> may pose fewer problems as its not fully encrypted communications .

Just another thought - I remember using ssh over a different port number
than 22. That worked. Then I used rsync with compression to transfer
files because it was patient and retries and compresses.
Try that from hotel.

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