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On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 3:51 AM, FaTony <fat...@fatony.net> wrote:

> But most people don't care about these issues, they are simply trying to
> survive and not die of starvation. There is no hope in fixing this from
> the inside, Russia as a country has no future. NATO should invade and
> grab all the western territories while China will surely grab Siberia.

 you have to have hope, man.  i had no idea things were that bad, it
would seem thet russia's feeling the effects of what robert david
steele describes as being an endemic and systemic power-corruption,
just as much as anywhere.

 he does however point out that the "poor" have, collectively, *MORE*
buying-power than the 1% elite who keep them oppressed and suppressed.
do read what he wrote because i feel that you will see that there is
always hope.


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