Hi. I have a CRT monitor from 2002 and it is my only monitor. Are these
monitors supported by EOMA68-A20?

If you remember CRT monitors, they physically update the screen and 60
hz refresh rate is extremely harmful to the eyes because you see
flicker. My monitor runs at 85hz refresh rate. The problem is that most
today's monitors are pretty much hardcoded to 60 hz and it's not easy to
change it.

I connect 2 desktops to this monitor. 1st one has GeForce 4 Ti GPU
(2005) and 2nd one has Radeon HD 5850 (2011). Both computers report that
there's no EDID. However, GeForce card correctly finds the maximum
resolution (1600x1200@60hz) and uses it in GRUB, Radeon uses 1024x768@60hz.

I was able to make a script that sets my preferred resolution

xrandr --newmode "1024x768_85.00"   94.50  1024 1096 1200 1376  768 771
775 809 -hsync +vsync
xrandr --verbose --addmode DVI-1  "1024x768_85.00"
xrandr --output DVI-1 --mode "1024x768_85.00"

However, it only works with Geforce and the only way to make it work
with Radeon is to install proprietary firmware and free driver.
Proprietary driver or no firmware don't work.

I wonder, does EOMA68-A20 support these commands, especially without
proprietary firmware for it's Mali GPU?

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